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How to beat a kfm as a wl?

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WL is one of the hardest matchups for KFM. If you abuse Sanctum and Bastion properly. KFM cant touch you. Dont forget that you have 2 escapes (when thrall up), so KFM have major difficulties stunlocking WL-s. Pay attention to when they have escape and Q/E on cd...and burn em.

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KFMs are known for their stuns and daze combo's. 


To negate those we can use bastion and sanctum (dont use them at the same time, you need the bastion or sanctum time to cool down the other a bit more). 


When you get the chance daze or stun them (Daze with imprison will go through their block), stun will be blocked (tether). 

If you break their block high chance they use an escape. If they dont just knock them up 2x with shackle (if you have HM version) and blast away their HP a bit. 

If they do escape, try to follow up with a stun with tether and go into a knock up. and blast away their HP. 


Sanctum or bastion (if you are scared of a stun lock) -> thrall summon -> thrall stun -> thrall knock up -> blast away life (this combo cant be q/e and even escaped by KFM).

Sanctum or bastion -> time distort -> imprison -> knock up -> Knock up -> imprisson -> knock up knock up (blast away life during knock up state).


use 1 (block) -> knock up against KFM -> blast away life.  (They can break block with a stun combo and lots of other attacks, so timing is key) 



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Hardest thing for me is to find the right moment for an attack. Cause they can do q\e\ss with each one of those has about 1.5 sec of iframes and if you attack in that iframe - they get agility buff. You throw 3 attacks in that - and they get 100% avasion for about 5 sec. Also they love to abuse your pet and danse around him getting free agility buffs.
Very hard to play vs kfms and very annoying. I am actually want to make my own KFM just to play with him and to lern the flow of combat from their perspective. I hope it will help me to find right moments to attack. But it will not be soon as i am being lazy at level him up atm.

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Adding to the already very good advice given by Hirukaru:


- As you can easily daze KFM, learn how to tech chase their F roll out of the daze. This will give you a much stronger position to apply pressure


- You must call off the Thrall asap when you see the KFM exploiting it to counter. Stop it from attacking immediately after it engages, otherwise the KFM is literally invulnerable due to HM counter.


- Beating KFM is a lot about waiting out their invisible iframes. Q/E has 1 second after animation ends. HM counter has 1 sec iframe upon successful counter, but 2(!) sec protection against daze and stun. SS protects for a fraction of a second longer than the animation, as does avenging strike (the uppercut they do out of counter state), but the latter is very short you can usually Repulse after they use it


- defense penetrating AoE skills will also hit through 100% evasion

To be honest, many low rank KFM do not know how to fight WLs properly and you will have an easy time using the knock up damage strategy. It's only after I learned how to exploit Thralls and outdistance WLs static buff areas that I started to win against gold WLs with my KFM...

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LOL @ above comment.


KFM vs wl is difficult.  Best advice i can give when having difficulty fighting a class is to make a character with that class and play around with it(maybe to like lvl 15 or so) and understand some of the mechanics. Their block does have a period when they can be hit, understanding their hand motions when the period begins is essential (also good ping helps).  Also, you have to understand that any decent pvper will do everything in their power not to get stun/daze by WL, so don't go for the soul shackle aerial combo with the first imprison. Try using tether/thrall to force an escape, if it fails use imprison. after you see the escape blown, SB/TD to renew imprison and go to town on them with aerial combo. If done in sb, they shouldn't be standing when it's over.

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