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Broken trove

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Yesterday I bought roughly 20 keys (i'm not rich but i give myself a few $$$ for keys during trove) and I honest to god think the trove is broken. Every single roll was almost 100% identical. It was the same eight items, sometimes just in different spots with the rare once or twice of an item actually changing to one of the weapon things for 5g.


I mean seriously this can't just be RNG because 21 keys later it should not look like this every roll 



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47 minutes ago, Saksoy said:

This is how this trove is bit harsh but liveable


I spent 400 keys got similar results 

Every one of these RNG events is getting worse.. the last merchant was an utter joke with almost identical loot tables and this trove is a nightmare (from the poor means of handling the glitch to the loot tables) 

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I used 97 keys.  I had 6 times of getting a set with a legendary element or jewel.  2 times I saw the set with weapon boxes.  The rest of the times ( over 85 ) were the above exact set.  Sometimes the items were in a different order, but it was those exact items.  So I feel your pain. 


I used my $25ncoin card and sold all the gold that I had to get those keys.  After this disappointment, I doubt I will sell anymore gold that I earn.  I am definitely not spending any more real life funds. 

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I spent 59 keys and got the extra 59 free from the reimbursement and all I really cared to get was the outfits which I got all of them except ploggle pal but I plan to spen another 50 keys to get it and then I'm done lol I could really care less about the other stuff I mean I was hoping for some forging orbs but no luck but Im not upset about it since I got what I wanted from using minimal keys lol

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Something really is weird, even though I spent no money, I ended up having nearly the exact same pulls on ever single character today. I mean, EXACT items, in the exact same order, on all eight characters O__o that's never happened to me in trove before.

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43 minutes ago, CREEDENCE said:

I spent 59 keys and got the extra 59 free from the reimbursement and all I really cared to get was the outfits which I got all of them except ploggle pal but I plan to spen another 50 keys to get it and then I'm done lol I could really care less about the other stuff I mean I was hoping for some forging orbs but no luck but Im not upset about it since I got what I wanted from using minimal keys lol

I really want the plog pal to go with the plog outfit and my cat outfit.  I think it will look really cute.  I like the looks of the other outfits, but they never appeared.  Sadly,  I ran out of gold.  So I doubt I will get any more keys anytime soon.  Good luck though to you!

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26 minutes ago, Divine Retribution said:

I got around 7 critical using 60 keys today, best critical for me so far is 50 elysian orbs or sparkling heptagonal citrine, i choose the 150g gem. Before the trove is fixed i cant even see heptagonal gems. You are just not lucky and blame the trove to be broken again.

Thats because they gems weren't dropping before the fix. You are one of the very rare few actually getting decent items. It shows when people get good items from the trove as a little announcement at the top. For over an hour this morning my alts name for a 5g weapon skin was the ONLY one that showed up.. it meant people weren't getting big ticket items. What people are actively complaining about is the fact the loot table is not changing. even with non crit the items should be changing on every spin.. not simply shifting spaces. 


Also the guy you showed has been floating around for days. One of those screen shot was before the trove fix. 

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Let me tell you a little secret how trove system works (the items list always the same just shifting slots):

1. If you didnt proc a critical, the items mostly are useless cheap stuff like soulstone, moonstone, soups, potions and etc

2. If you proc a critical in gems there are 3 possibilities

    a) only hexagonal gems             b)only brilliant heptagonal gems      c) brilliant+sparkling heptagonal gems

3. If you proc a critical in upgrade materials, also 3 chances to get

    a) 1 forging orb/xanos disc/oil   b) 2 to 5 forging orb/xanos disc/oil   c) 10-20 forging orb/xanos disc/oil


There are 3 types of critical : normal, rare, and super rare critical

normal critical gives the least amount

rare critical doubled the normal amount

super rare critical is what ppl call jackpot in casino, it gives you the highest quality of items with massive amount like 20 sacred oils and 50 raven king souls as the screen shoot above showing.

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And you are forgetting the critical that registers as a critical but only holds a single weapon appearance or a single outfit and the rest are trash items. 


People are noticing a drastic difference in this trove compared to the others that have been done over the year this game has been on NA. The biggest being that the loot tables aren't truly RNG, as one person posted above they had the EXACT same loot table on 8 characters. If this was only one thread yeah you would call it horrid RNG, but there are multiple threads of people bringing up that this trove is off compared to past ones. 

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49 minutes ago, Divine Retribution said:

You spent 20 keys only and make a conclusion that the trove is broken because you didnt get the same loot table like my screen shoot?

Not I.  I spent 97 keys and my loot table was exactly the same for 89 out of those 97 keys. The screenshot above with the soup, charm, silver, and soup.  The other times it was a legendary element or jewel mixed in or a soulstone weapon box.   I don't expect a ton of crits.  But 89 times in a row- to get the same exact loot page.... that is lame

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33 minutes ago, SnugglesFairie said:

I spent 97 keys and my loot table was exactly the same for 89 out of those 97 keys. The screenshot above with the soup, charm, silver, and soup.

Who do you think should believe this? It's nonsense. The roll you mentioned was rare for me. Most of the rools had legendary elements and at least something useful. I never had only shit rolls, forget it, no one will believe it.

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4 hours ago, DirectorTseng said:

Yesterday I bought roughly 20 keys (i'm not rich but i give myself a few $$$ for keys during trove) and I honest to god think the trove is broken. Every single roll was almost 100% identical. It was the same eight items, sometimes just in different spots with the rare once or twice of an item actually changing to one of the weapon things for 5g.


I mean seriously this can't just be RNG because 21 keys later it should not look like this every roll 



I get this roll almost everytime after the fix.

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2 hours ago, Divine Retribution said:

You spent 20 keys only and make a conclusion that the trove is broken because you didnt get the same loot table like my screen shoot?

As I stated, yesterday.. I bought keys the day prior so all in all I have used roughly 50+ keys (as i drained the HM coins and Ncoin i had already on my account before buying more yesterday) 

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3 hours ago, SnugglesFairie said:

I really want the plog pal to go with the plog outfit and my cat outfit.  I think it will look really cute.  I like the looks of the other outfits, but they never appeared.  Sadly,  I ran out of gold.  So I doubt I will get any more keys anytime soon.  Good luck though to you!

Same me too! I wish I had the ploggle outfit for my cat though I wasn't playing when that was released. I would probably have a lot more outfits if I started playing when the game first launched but I'm hoping I see a re release .

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1 hour ago, Kezzie said:

I get this roll almost everytime after the fix.

i keep seeing this same page its really pissing me off now lol, like these items are just extremely below average

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I don't get why people have to be so toxic or call others liars over their reports. Sadly they said crap and bashed people on day 1 of trove too.   I am sure most of us would gladly trade places with those who have better rng.  I would love to even have gotten fabric or elements or even feathers.  I so wanted feathers.  I never saw a single feather in 97 keys.  That ploggy back pack though.... I really wanted that.  It is so cute.  That is the one thing that tempts me to sell more gold to get keys.  But I am going to hold off for a while.  Then maybe in a week, see what people are saying about the rng / loot.


Good luck to those still using keys  :D

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There are 3 types of gamblers according to my dictionary:

1. Beginner Luck Gamblers

Gamblers who win a lottery with only few attempts, at this stage he has 2 options: stop or continue? If he stops, he wins and will say the system is not broken. But if he continues and gets worse, he will get mad and his brain stops working. This type of person will get addicted in the end because he will keep gambling with all his fortune.

2. Smart Gamblers

Gamblers who know the risk and always calculating before they make a decision. They know luck is the most important thing so they will stop if the fortune goddess is not on their side. This type of person knows when to stop and when to continue without getting addicted to gambling.

3. The Next Level Gamblers

Gamblers who will let others try out the system first while they are on sidelines being a spectators. They will collect data then make a note to themselves. If the winning rate is high, they will participate. But if rate is low, they will just buy the cheap mats from F5 and resell in the future.


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13 minutes ago, Krissy said:

worst trove ever, dont bother spending any money on this (to anyone thinking about it)

Good advice.  I only spent about $25 real life money and about 800 gold.  I wish I could say that I got something out of trove.  But almost 100 keys and not a single crit. 


If you need things like orbs, sacred oils, and the such- save your money and gold. But them from the marketplace.   For things like jewel, elements, and feathers, get those from the store when they come up.  


In the long run, you will save yourself a lot of money / gold and hassle.   Sure you could be one of the very few lucky people and get a crit with good items.  But in my opinion, this trove isn't worth it. The past troves, even if you didn't crit, you could still get enough to warrant spending the money or gold.  With this trove though, not at all.    Sad too, cause I loved the past troves, even though my RNG was bad with them.  At least I got something out of it.

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