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[Suggestion] Able to switch elements of elemental jewelry/badges


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Basically when you get an accessory from Skybreak Spire or a mystic/ToI badge for one element you can't really use the other one unless you have a lot of time and money to bid/farm for them again.


So I came up with an idea of why not give us an option to change from one element to the other (maybe when jewelry is maxed out or whenever you want) and from one token to another (raven to raven for mystic and fury to fury for ToI).


And since some elements tend to get better or worse in time it would be nice to have a way of being able to switch to another one to check out if you might enjoy it more than the previous one with the new changes. (for example ice fm got a massive buff and can even rival fire in some situations nowadays)


Also as most of our time in BnS is just us doing the same dungeons over and over or PvPing, it would feel refreshing every once in a while to switch elements and use different skill combinations/moves and combos to make the mundane dailies not as mundane.


Furthermore if some people are having trouble picking an element this might allow them to have more time to choose and not know what badges/jewelry to get.


Oh and for the Skybreak stuff I would imagine everyone would start bidding for any element and if your raid keeps inviting new people in all the time it might make it more difficult for others to get their jewelry, but you can always just make rules where even if you can switch you can only bid for one element or have one of those non-bidding rules where you get it depending on if you are the next one on the list to get it if it drops.


Well thats just my thoughts, would like to know what you think about it.

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I don't really mind if they implement something like that, maybe not the accessories (since that could cause trouble if, say, shadow would drop, earth destroyers , ice warlocks and lightning sins would bid too), but at least the badges. You can only obtain them for your own characters and they're not even accountbound. If they added so you can change to the other of the two badges for a lesser amount (say, maybe 20 tokens instead of 70/90 and 15 instead of 50/60 for the mystic badges) that'd be awesome. And it probably would make people more comfortable with at least trying a different spec after a major patch to see if it's any better.


As it is now, the ones that have one of the elements is hardly gonna change after a patch, since that'd mean they'd have to spend tons of money to get everything for the other element. For example, Wind BD and Ice FM are much stronger than before. At some points, they might even outmatch the other element, but people are not going to give it a chance, since doing so would 1:  cost a lot and 2: severely delay the progression of the current element. Being able to change at least the badge to get the general feel of the new element (minus the damage from the elemental accs but that can be calculated). They might be more willing to invest to get the other element.

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Well I mean for the accesories as I said it depends on your raid rules, if this change would actually ever happen most should implement the rule of only being able to bid on one element not both, cause otherwise the bidding wars would actually turn into wars. Though being able to change badges would be enough as well, as honestly the jewelry from BT dont affect that much unless you are doing a lot of dps already, just that having it sit in your bank would kinda be a waste of the gold you spent on it.

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Yeah, this should be applied to the game. Like Pulse and Skyrift badge, you'll need 20 feathers to switch between them. Same goes to accessories and weapons. I'm sick with RNG in this game, it's never in my favor.

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