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Wind-build after update


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i got the ring and the earring from bt with wind in in.


not i wanna start to play with it but i have some problems...


firstly: wich badget is recomment to use? till now i have not a single one, because to expensive.

2: what is the rotation for wind? atm i use:

1-2-3-F(not the dom and bloom thing. The needle)-q      lmb+rmb same time like crazy.    rotate between needle and dooem and bloom   something like that.

i still run some times into empty focus..


some tips would be nice

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  • 2 weeks later...

Get the holy fire badge (nettles reset on dnb use).
Get 5 BT SS pieces as soon as you can. This is very important for wind. You need the focus recovery from the shorter dnb cooldown.

Spam LMB RMB all day. Use Dandelion and Petal Storm Toss when nettles and dnb is on the ground, so you can spam more bees when your focus recovery is up.
Spec Cat for Focus recovery. Crouch it when nettles and dnb are down to not run out of focus.
Apply poison with your 1 skill before resets or if you have seraphs, so you can cast nettles > dnb > nettles instead of dnb > nettles, with the holy fire badge.

TL;DR: Keep your focus up to spam as many bees as possible and smash all the buttons.

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