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Banned for using Kill Ping?


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A friend of mine asked me to post on the forums because his account was banned for using kill ping and he can't post anything. I don't know all the details, but he is not american and his ping is really bad, 400+ ms without kill ping. He had been using it for about a year with no trouble, but recently his account got hacked when clicked on a free 7 day BnS premium post on Reddit, and they banned his account for that. He appealed and they re-opened his account, only to ban him again supposedly because now that he has been hacked they won't let him use kill ping any more because of the suspicious activity on his account....


Considering he has spent real money on this game buying costumes, and put up with bad ping the whole time (around 250-300ms down from 400-500ms) it seems a bit unfair to treat him like a hacker just because he clicked on a link to get a premium and force him to quit the game. :(

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why not make a ticket ?   you can get your problem sorted in 24h.

I don't think the forums are the place for unbans.


Tell him to go the BNS website and go to the support section... send out a ticket with all the details and I'm sure they will look at his problem.

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From what he has told me, he has been back and forth with them over the details and the result is he has to stop using kill ping if he wants to play anymore. Which in effect means he will have to quit because BnS is nightmare to play with 400-500ms ping.

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There is a new post on reddit about how someone got their account locked for using Mudfish...so that one is out, now I'm starting to think they are going after everyone using a ping booster...if so, that would be alot of people who don't live in america getting banned simply because they can't play the game without them...

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28 minutes ago, Valks said:

There is a new post on reddit about how someone got their account locked for using Mudfish...so that one is out, now I'm starting to think they are going after everyone using a ping booster...if so, that would be alot of people who don't live in america getting banned simply because they can't play the game without them...


it is allowed to use VPN service. i think its best to use most popular service which is WTFAST.

he got banned because that stupid link or something. and banned for second time because he used the same VPN server that clicked the link. i believe after clicking the bad link the IP got blacklisted.

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5 hours ago, Valks said:



if that is the problem... then it has nothing to do with ping killers, this thread should just be closed and what can i say.... secure your account....

dont click dumb links or login with the account info on other sites...


if the account committed behavior that goes against the TOS that is the problem of the account holder, if they get the account back or not that is just up to NCWest


PS: and btw... you wrote he was banned cause he used ping boosters, oooooooooh boy how wrong you are..... THEY WILL NEVER TELL YOU WHY THEY BAN YOU.....

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