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F10 bundles worth it?

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Not having played the game a long time and having my first lvl50, I was wondering if I could get some opinions on the duelist bundle and the other one, master bundle, I think it's called. More specifically, I don't know what those tokens, flowers, marks, etc. are used to purchase and the difficulty and time required to grind what is in the bundles. What is the best way to spend the bundle items for the greatest benefit? Maybe the packages aren't worth the asking price? Are pinnacle accessories hard to get? I noticed they were offered in the master bundle. Any helpful opinions/advice would be great.


Oh ya, is the pet bundle just skins or can you use them for the aura upgrade? 

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The bundle with the arena rewards to get your HM skills...YES. Big yes. That's the only bundle I've bought so far to finish getting my HM skills. Pinnacle accessories aren't too hard to acquire either. You'll slowly gather them during your daily quests as well. 

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The starter pack is worth it if you want to play using premium membership as the premium days included already refinance most of the bundle.


The duelist bundle is worth it if you want to enter competitive PvP quickly without any disadvantages. You can get the HM skills by PvPing no problem, but it needs weeks or months I would say. If you PvE, HM skills should not be too hard to get at all, but again it depends on your patience. Duelist bundle is definitely a big power boost you would normally need a long while to earn free to play.


Master bundle is new, I will have a look at it tonight to see if it's worth it for a new player.

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Master bundle definitely not worth it while the best bundle being offered is the duelist bundle, not only is it very helpful for pvp but also pve since you can get most if not all your hongmoon skills with no effort. Pets can be used to transmute into pet enhancement stones so yea its helpful for aura

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So what do you get with the stuff from the duelist bundle? Do you just go on a shopping spree or is there specific skills to get based on the quantity of items in the bundle? I bought the bundle and now I'm wondering how best to spend the different currencies.

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