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Best Class to support a Lyn Blade Dancer?


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I haven't played in a year, decided playing this game hardcore wasn't for me, but I've been feeling the urge to play again, and my friend has been looking to  play something with me, so i settled on playing this casually with her.


She hasn't decided yet, but i have a feeling she's gonna play Blade Dancer. What should I pick to best work along with her in gameplay? 

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A summoner is always a good support (heal, projectile shield, tanking cat). And the summoner is ranged which can be helpful in some situations.

If you don't like the lyn army (or the cat) you can go the tank route (I recommend blade master) or the other healer: soul fighter. However the SF has a heal (and a resurrect skill) only and it will be somewhat nerfed in the 4/12 patch. The last option is the warlock: it's ranged and late-game you can use soulburn to boost the burst dps.


But... you can actually play anything you want. You can level up solo easily if you want so pick your preferred class. It really depends on what you like. :)

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Only Destroyers don't fit with BDs because they usualy have same role in dungeons.

If you want to play tank the BM have a slight disadvantage because he shares CD on party protection with BD, but your ping and how you like the class should be more important thing while chosing between BM and KFM.


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but I would recommend a KFM who can tank for you and they can also raise fighting spirit (Which gives you more critical chance) Once you have critical chance you have it much easier to use your Lightning Flash which is your main DPS ability. 

Blademaster i


Another class that can support you is always warlock which is the best supporting class (in my option) since they have soulburn.

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