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PVE and CC - next patch


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FM loses double daze


SIN gains all the double CC's


seems like the only really losing cc is FM

(i don't know if there are more classes  that loose cc, those are the only ones i checked)


my question is, are dungeons going to get a tone down on the cc requirements? or will we be required to run with a certain comp?






i might be wrong but that is what i can see in bnstree

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26 minutes ago, ArantirQc said:

maybe its a way to make the destroyer actually a little bit useful . ( who am i kidding... destroyer will always be useless) :(

.... ya right....

BD - party iframe, 2x stun, 2x daze, 2  kds and grab

DES- 2 stuns, 2 dazes, 2 kds and grab


taking into account lack of double cc ( that makes moving npc's hard to cc on high ping) and no proper party protection.... ya right...


there will always be flowers to water....


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