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Lyn Blade vs Summoner


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Which one wins? I heard Lyn Blade had a major nerf but summoner did too. I'm wanting to do both PvP and PvE, but moreso 1v1's. Also, if any of you have information as to what got nerfed to make the classes not as good as they were I'd appreciate it.

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What nerf did bd get? I only know they got their lightning draw buffed. That´s like the last change they got or did i miss something?

I´m not sure who´d win in this matchup. But overall i think bd is stronger, right now. Sum is probably easier and better in low ranks. But i think in higher/mid ranks its the exact opposite, meaning bd is better AND easier for the most part.


Not sure about pve. However, i would not really personally choose a class depending on how good it is in pve anyways. Maybe based on how fun it is in pve, but strengths really does not matter to me there when you pretty much can clear all the pve dungeons with any class anyway. If you want to do lots of solo pve content sum is easier to do that with.

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