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Blue Moon Soul Badge


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So recently i saw this badge:

#5: Reduce the CD of Comet Strike (4) by 10 sec when Searing Palm (X) hits. Comet Strike deals additional damage equal to 500% attack after Searing Palm hits.


I wonder how much it truly increase the dmg. Looking at some yt vids, it seems it's just about 5k dmg increase for 850ap KFM... It seems really low, but these vids are from almost half a year ago. Was something changed in that regard? 

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First, you have to understand what the additional damage equal to 500% attack means.


Additional = After damage

500% attack = 5.00x modifier to skill


According to BnSTree, comet strike Tier 5 Stage 1 has a modifier of 18.00 on a target affected by searing palm. So you do your AP x 18. If you had 850 AP, you would do 15,300 damage.

With the badge, you will do [18.00 + 5.00] x AP as damage. Now you do 19,550 damage, or 27.77% more damage.



In this example I did 842::AP x 2::Tremor x 1.1091::Element x [(18.00 + 5.00)::Modifier x 1.75::Soul_Shield ] x [2.5121 + 0.2 + 1.00]::Crit_Damage  damage. Which is 279,060 average damage, or in my case, 290,973. Basically the badge will always add 27.77% damage to your comet strike after any searing palm.

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It is a very good PvE badge because it enables both more comet strikes and faster searing palm stacking (with fire comet strike).


Especially awesome with Raven 3-set bonus (if I would just find a tower raid party T_T).

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Saw a youtube video about he holy fire badge and serph build vs baleful and bagde  wondering which build would do more damage as you will get constant cyclone kick spamage on f every 6 secs for 6 secs and iirc after serph 6 u are under 6 secs for cd.

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Hmm good point, a totally forgot about that build because I could not get MSP 1-8 (and do not have a Seraph).

But I know for a fact it's very strong. There was a KFM using it (full MSP SS, blue badge, Seraph) in the Sacred Longgui raid once, and he was leading the damage board with 66k average dps on stage 4.

Personally I would not be able to top that even with full Raven, but then I am sure other players no better anicancels to get the most out of Raven, too.

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  • 1 month later...

Trying out Wind - Seraph - Blue badge at the omemnt and having a blast.


Even with my bad anicancel it's still better than my fire ever was.

Only bursts and AoE-wise it's a bit weaker, having to use wind Comet Strike...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wind KFM with Seraph + Holy Fire means F spam for days. 


Blue Moon works well with Wind or Fire KFMs. The damage increase depends per player. For me normal criticals with Comet Strike deal anywhere from 70k-90k and with the bonus damage, upwards of 150k+.

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