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Blade master guide PVE 2017


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  My impression of the guide is not too good, but I'm too lazy to get into it in much detail.

  First of all, it seems you were rather unprepared. Make a clear plan with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, like an essay.

  In the introduction, you need to catch attention and present the points you will cover. This is usually done by showing authority (e.g. ranking, stats, experience etc.). For points, my favourite style is a clear, simple list - might not be fancy, but it is easy for everyone to understand and quickly helps everyone find what they are looking for in your guide.

  The body is just covering points mostly. Of course, you need to know how to do that properly as well.

  The conclusion is stating all the points again clearly.


  What you should get from what I said is that you failed to grab my attention from the very beginning, and when I saw the duration afterwards, I didn't bother to waste 40 minutes of my time here. At least remember these words (can't remember who said them or if it was said exactly like this): "When making a speech, first, I tell them what I'm going to tell them, then I tell them, and then I tell them what I told them". That really is basically what you need to do.


By the way, what really ticked me off was that you kept moving your mouse when you attack without explaining what it does (yes, I know, though I doubt its impact on dps, but maybe others don't). And even then, consider your viewers - looking at a shaking screen for 40 minutes? Spare us just for the duration of the video, please.

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you very much for posting this.  Unfortunately, the skill tree has changed, and you need to make a new vid. lol


One suggestion for talking is to get two wireless keyboards of the same brand and turn both on, and tape down or put a weight on the talk key.  You can also put one keyboard on the floor and use your toe to press on the talk button.


I do agree that you need to not do the mouse movement when attacking.  That kind of movement tends to reset emotions and thinking and is used is some forms of psychology treatments.  As soon as you start the shaking, I forget what you did in the recent past and can't pay attention to what you are doing.  Also, you really have to call out the letter or number of each attack as you are doing it, so a noob like me can know what you're doing.  Also, it wouldn't hurt to move the buttons obnoxiously close to the center of the screen so we can see them activating and recharging.  Thanks again.  It was great information to someone new, who previously was using block - cyclone - pierce in basic stance.

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