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Newbie help : _ :

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As a newbie, I have some questions. Now, I know what you're thinking "There are like TONS of blogs and posts that can help you, dude.." NONONONO ; - ; I really need help and I'm just like an old granny, I ain't good at googling stuff... TT


So here are some questions I have :


1. I heard a lot of stuff about this hongmoon weapon that you get at a very early stage but I can't seem to get it. Heard that it was removed or we just don't get it anymore. I'm not sure. Now, with that being said, what should I do now? Do I like.. upgrade my stalker weapon? Do I like.. do SOMETHING ELSE? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO USE instead of that hongmoon weapon?  ; - ; 

2. Are those particles that appear when you run premium? 

3. I'm interested into playing some Blade Dancer but as many times as I killed that boss, I can't seem to get my stalker weapon, I get only gauntlets and BladeMaster .. blades. : _ : I'm helpless how am I supposed to get it?

4. Should I salvage the soul shields that aren't complete? Like, if I don't have all the parts of it, should I just salvage them? Also, when I tried salvaging some parts, they didn't turn into some GOLD SHINY ASS powder like I saw some people getting, they turned into some weird metal stuff idunno.




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1. HM weapon was removed, use quest and boss weapons till you get your upgradable ivorymoon weapon from lvl45/46 quest.

2. Yes, run animation is premium perk

3. Its RNG, just farm it, its super easy when ppl are around

4. At low level, just trash them. Salvage the lvl50 purple ones.

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1 hour ago, AbbeyChanBiby said:

Thanks for the reply! >3<

Should I keep the weapons that I used at low levels to upgrade the ivorymoon one or should I trash them?

Salvage them to get element powder.

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16 minutes ago, AbbeyChanBiby said:

Another question!

Since I'm not upgrading anything at this moment, should I just trash the weapons that I randomly get from killing NPCs? 

The answer is:

7 hours ago, KzE said:

Salvage them to get element powder.

By salvaging, if you dont get element powder, but something like junk/scrap, sell it to a vendor.

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