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warlock x button cc...


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9 minutes ago, newbiez said:

is there any chance we can get it as double cc? i know x can combo with 1 but sometimes we need fast double cc to help the team...example like in khanda vidar

the cc of tether blade that will become a double cc is the daze (of which warlocks will get a rather large abundance of through other skills) when the HM skill for tether ever gets released... thats all i can say sadly :/

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10 hours ago, Dr SoulReaper said:

the cc of tether blade that will become a double cc is the daze (of which warlocks will get a rather large abundance of through other skills) when the HM skill for tether ever gets released... thats all i can say sadly :/

but ppl mostly wan stun =/

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6 hours ago, Kisagii said:

No it will be single, you can either choose not to cc and let everyone else do it or spec it to single stun

not to cc pretty much not a clever option since i want to be useful to raid party to help...i do spec it but the adds need 4 times cc...imagine if the raid no fm since ppl said we need to cc the adds fast

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6 ppl in every party not 4 o.o...well the raid fail because lack of cc so the boss wiped out all since lack of 4 bar cc just manage to do 3...soulburn and high dps doesnt means anything if u fail in mecha right? you will get wiped out anyways...and i dont like being labeled you wl just the soulburn slave...=/

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you are so wrong, as a WL, i can do double stun and double KD if i want too. Use your thrall for double stun, your tether blade set to kd + 1 kd from repluse (tier 3 stage 2, ofc u have to have TOI badge ), you can also get 1 extra daze from Imprison. I have no problem about cc stuff. WL have more than enough , x2 stun , x2 KD, x1 daze . Just only need you to master it right.

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16 hours ago, BlackFairy said:

you are so wrong, as a WL, i can do double stun and double KD if i want too. Use your thrall for double stun, your tether blade set to kd + 1 kd from repluse (tier 3 stage 2, ofc u have to have TOI badge ), you can also get 1 extra daze from Imprison. I have no problem about cc stuff. WL have more than enough , x2 stun , x2 KD, x1 daze . Just only need you to master it right.

I wouldn't personally use the right tree of imprison... lower damage longer cooldown and you dont gain the 6 second cooldown reduction for leech upon finishing attack (which helps a lot with locks overall dps). Now your repulse... sure you can spec the kd but again you lose out on potential dps for using a soulbadge that allows repulse to be used right away instead of say primal soul badge for shadow builds and the newly released magnum for frost based builds... however you can play how you want im just pointing these factors out to you so please don't be offended :D  (cc =/= dps for locks its one or the other)

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5 hours ago, Dr SoulReaper said:

I wouldn't personally use the right tree of imprison... lower damage longer cooldown and you dont gain the 6 second cooldown reduction for leech upon finishing attack (which helps a lot with locks overall dps). Now your repulse... sure you can spec the kd but again you lose out on potential dps for using a soulbadge that allows repulse to be used right away instead of say primal soul badge for shadow builds and the newly released magnum for frost based builds... however you can play how you want im just pointing these factors out to you so please don't be offended :D  (cc =/= dps for locks its one or the other)

It's not actually a big deal, just want to prove the point that WL also has a lot of cc too. Personally, i can always atleast x2 stun x2 daze without having issue with damage (i also use shadow build with shadow badge). Like you said, depending on your skills, and your ping to maintain your damage .



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