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NEW 24-men raids - suggested AP/crit?


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Greetings, with the new raids released what is the suggested AP/Crit I can go there? I still havent learned mechanics, but considering I do so, what is the minumum I must have?
currently with 633 Ap - 52% Crit. Soon will upgrade to Legendary Seraph.

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There's two 24-man that have weekly lockouts:


Dawn of Khanda Vihar - You can literally go there with a fresh lvl 50 after doing KV side story quests.  You have to know the mechanics or else it's a wipe regardless of AP.  If mechanics are done right, then there will be no wipes and you'll consistently have 200% AP Buff.


Skybreak Spire - Have to achieve consistent 25k DPS for Stage 1 and 2.  And for stage 3 and 4, I believe you need a consistent 35k with soulburn and buffs.


AP is really just a # now, and it's all about how much damage you can output.


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