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Thanks for a good event!


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Doable for lowbies.

Doable for people with alts without spending a whole day farming event currency.

Not terribly 'tower of memory' / 'frozen firing range' dull.

Decent rewards, an outfit that DOESN'T scream "We wouldn't be able to sell it anyway"


Best one in a long while if I may say so. Thanks NCSoft! :)

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1 hour ago, ander01se said:

Doable for lowbies.

Doable for people with alts without spending a whole day farming event currency.

Not terribly 'tower of memory' / 'frozen firing range' dull.

Decent rewards, an outfit that DOESN'T scream "We wouldn't be able to sell it anyway"


Best one in a long while if I may say so. Thanks NCSoft! :)

the outfit is definitively on the bland side. On males i looks like a white mess while the females have a certain charm with it. im surprised it is so easy to get though daily. day 3 an i have the costumes on 3/4 alts 2 male jin and 1 gon female. I'll keep the gon female one since it feels nice.


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1 hour ago, lostforumaccount said:

It does... but then again, it's free :D and the event, in general, is really good!

The female ones are not that bad with the female gon being the best variation. On males its a mess. I will skip it on female jin too just because the chest are looks bad, like beggar clothes. it could have been better with some colour but the whole white version is bland. if a colourful version of female gon is viable on market it might be worth a shot.

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