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Dawn of Khanda Vihar Summoner Rez bug


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When I wiped during my first "Dawn of Khanda Vihar" run at main boss yesterday, I resurrected obviously to get back to the fight quickly. I summoned my cat before using the red windstride and was stuck in fight mode. No matter how many times I used 'Beckon' or 'ss', it wouldn't work. Meanwhile other players resurrected and used the windstride fine. I had another sum from another group standing at the windstride with me - he had also summoned his cat beforehand. So we both ended up walking back to the main boss which cost us and the alliance precious time.


This whole "summoner cat staying in fight mode"-bug is getting really old and annoying. Please fix this problem for Dawn at least, so we can get back to the raid quickly.


Thank you.

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