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friend keeps getting kicked out


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ok im trying to help a friend out they keep getting kicked out of game and i cant for the life of me find anything like this on google so most people with the same issues probably just give up by the looks this person is from New Zealand and they log into game just to A. be kicked out of game shortly after or B. get the BSOD so im sitting here like what could possibly be causing this?!?!?! does anyone know? o.o tried every fix that has been brought up so far and still nothing zippo zilch nadda as far as i can tell this is a new issue cause no one seems to have it and everyone i ask is clueless any help would be appreciated thx!

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17 hours ago, nabtastic said:

ok im trying to help a friend out they keep getting kicked out of game and i cant for the life of me find anything like this on google so most people with the same issues probably just give up by the looks this person is from New Zealand and they log into game just to A. be kicked out of game shortly after or B. get the BSOD so im sitting here like what could possibly be causing this?!?!?! does anyone know? o.o tried every fix that has been brought up so far and still nothing zippo zilch nadda as far as i can tell this is a new issue cause no one seems to have it and everyone i ask is clueless any help would be appreciated thx!

what is causing this ..how it manifest ? ..details :D

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im not really sure tbh i know theyre running windows 10 but thats about it theyll start up the game be in game anywhere from when they launch the game to about 10 mins time then theyll just get booted or blue screen sorry thats all the info :/

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18 minutes ago, nabtastic said:

im not really sure tbh i know theyre running windows 10 but thats about it theyll start up the game be in game anywhere from when they launch the game to about 10 mins time then theyll just get booted or blue screen sorry thats all the info :/

tell him to open a ticket here :) https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us/categories/200407529-Technical-Support

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