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mouse software problems and hidden process


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i used to have binds for bns... * used is the right term as they no longer work*


used to have button 4 to skill 1, button 5 to skill 4, click wheel to X and now... thanks to hidden processes nothing...


anyone with the same problem?

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For what I can understand after playing around with my binds, binding mouse clicks works fine, but if you try to add a keyboard click there, that one shall be ignored, let me put it this way.


Key with the bind (some random side mouse button, let's call it "BButton")

The code would pretty much say that while BButton is being pressed, spam LButton <------- works fine for me since this skill is assigned on a Mouse key

The code would pretty much say that while BButton is being pressed, spam Skill 4    <------- No longer works since this skill is assigned to a key from your keyboard


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