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6 minutes ago, 821031_1452549945 said:

depends which dungeons you can do. be ido 3 5 7 and rest asura is good, oblivion 3 5 7 and ebondrake rest is also good, full legendary from msp but thats abit meh for destroyer. you can also get like oblivion 3 5 7 rest asura if you cant do ebondrake citadel yet

Thanks I will take this into consideration when  get on today

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you can bypass asura shields all together, MSP scrap shields give better stats and are very easy to get, just go to MSP and farm your flowers for your leg shields and pick up MSP shields, Once you have them then you can start working on doing EC/DT to fill out what else you need. As stated 357 DT rest EC. Getting into EC as a Des is hard specially when you are low AP, but with the recent AP buff for 6mans (which you will be doing for shields) it makes getting carried and just being a grab bot much easier. 


Do not upgrade your wep if its still a true scorp wep. on the 8th they are streamlining the upgrade path and you will be able to salvage your weapon and get mats put into it back, if you are not at that point, do not rush to upgrade, just wait it out. 

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