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Stone of Wisdom


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Hello, where are the stone of wisdom drops finished?

It was written in the patch notes that their droprate was increased, but: yesterday I have done 5 Desolate Tomb and 6 Ebondrake Citadel and not one single Stone of Wisdom drop. It's already hard and expensive to get them when they drop, because everybody wants them. Please make the droprate relly increased

Thank you for reading

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oh sorry I must have misread the notes, but the droprates remains ridicolously low: I have seen more legendary accessory dropping than stone of wisdom in my runs: there's something not right. I can understand that some people are lucky, but that doesn't justify farming months just for some materials

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There are other ways to get stone of wisdom other than from DT or EC. 


TOI - use token to trade in. (It is good time to stock up green tokens because the season will be over soon. When the next season (blue token) starts, you can use green tokens to trade for the items)

MSP - use flowers to trade for stone of wisdom. With double drop of boxes in MSP during weekend, it is easier to stack up flowers now.

Dragon Express - Use heaven energy to trade for stone of wisdom


These are the gold-free ways to obtain stone of wisdom. Of course, it will take sometime to grind, but it is free!

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