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Thank you for removable weapon skin!


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Finally! Finally you heard my lamentations and did something about the weapon skin system. Sure, it isn't the weapon "wardrobe" I wanted which I guess means I will still have an inventory full of random weapons, but at least now we can switch appearance easily and without fear of losing the weapon forever. It will be easy right? It won't be 100g per switch right? Anyway, thank you. Truly.

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Regarding the weapon skins, could we get some refund from "Master Pack" skins? I am sure there are several people who used it and removed it, but wanted to keep the skin, i'm one of those, I wonder if that would be a possibility to keep it.

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From where did you get that information? Will we now be able to get the weapon we used to alter the appearance back? Is this already a thing, or will it be introduced in a later patch?


Edit: Nevermind, found it. 

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Implementing this change to the weapon skin system was all thanks to your feedback! There of course will be the same issue of inventory space with this iteration of the system due to keeping appearances around in storage, but the development team is aware of this and will be keeping it in their thoughts for the future.


For those of you who purchased a Master Founder's Pack prior to launch and were curious about their Heavy Metal weapon skin, we will be sending a new Heavy Metal Box to everyone who has redeemed their Master Founder's Pack in the past. ^_^

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I still have my heavy metal staff. I kept it all this time, only using it in pvp arena, because I never wanted to lose it. Ha ha ha. I also have weapons like blackwyrm staff, very rare if you are in the smaller faction. However, there were so many weapon skins I never bought because of the system. I always figured 1) where do I store it? and 2) I'll never skin it because I don't want to lose it so it will just be a pvp arena weapon. I think I would have liked the Valentine's Day staff - the donut one. Well, no biggie. I've collected so many weapons over this past year I have plenty to work with.


I am less happy that I started this thread and it is being credited to Laoshottie. I guess they made a similar thread right before me and they were merged? Where's my reputation? Then again, he did use heavy breathing cat... How can someone not like heavy breathing cat? Hmmm... note to NCSOFT: add heavy breathing cat option to pet groomer. 


Thanks again for listening to our suggestions.

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Yes, weapon wardrobe would be an awesome addition to the game. I was thinking of the same thing.


One reason I don't buy weapon skins on this game was cause it was a 1 time use. Now only the inventory problem will be preventing me from buying more once it fills up.

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23 hours ago, Liinxy said:

Implementing this change to the weapon skin system was all thanks to your feedback! There of course will be the same issue of inventory space with this iteration of the system due to keeping appearances around in storage, but the development team is aware of this and will be keeping it in their thoughts for the future.

Isn't it possible to just create a weapon wardrobe? Will be really cool to be able to see how the weapon looks like on your character, and not just the weapon itself. 

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To answer some questions that we have been receiving, you need to have redeemed your Master Founder's Pack from the Apply a Code section of your NC Account in order to qualify for receiving a new Heavy Metal weapon skin. I edited my original post from "redeemed the weapon skin" to "redeemed their Master Founder's Pack" and hopefully this helps explain a bit more of the process. 

10 minutes ago, iritsuchan said:

Isn't it possible to just create a weapon wardrobe? Will be really cool to be able to see how the weapon looks like on your character, and not just the weapon itself. 

We've relayed this request to the development team in the past. Maybe that will be the case in the future some day. ^_^

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Lots of changes still need to be made, but credit where credit is due. This is a very nice QoL change, and considering the current state of every other MMO that I've played up until this point, it's nice to see one where at least some player feedback is still being responded to. More actions like this will definitely make for happy campers, keep it up!

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