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So Whirlwind Valley Cheating Is It?


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49 minutes ago, FrozenB said:

Dragon Tongue is not dangerous? You must be joking.

I'm not joking, but you can't read correctly. I said dragon tongue is not such dangerous like grab and those dmg skills. But dragon tongue is highly dagerous. But in fact the chance to die is in grab so much higher compared to dragon tongue. Yes, you need 2 people in base, but at least it's a 6v6, so it's very common. But everybody can do a huge amount of damage and up to 5 people can dmg you at the same time. In pve my sin did over 30k dps with 450 ap and low crit chance and crit dmg. Ok in pvp it would be lower, but even with 450 ap he's dangerous while you're grabbed. The other fact is -> you can escape from dragon tongue while bd has multiple grabs, so you can't protect yourself with intelligent cd management, you waste your escape tab with first grab and you haven't a 2nd for 2nd grab.

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Ill personally add in as a Des player myself, with good gear (2.4k cdef 4.5kdef 2.7k piercing 710ap 144k hp) that some fights will not end if there was no grab + another person. A skilled KFM or Sin will literally stall 2-3 people solo and not die for 5mins straight. But if they slip up and tab early and i get a grab, they are deleted in 2-3 seconds. Thats how it should be, grab is a punish for mistakes, if i could cleave you while you are grabbed i would scream that its unfair, or hell if i could use my own restraint skill, it would be OP, but its not like that at all. 


Do i get upset when i see the other team has a bunch of geared people and my team is lacking severly...yes, but thats just the nature of the game. Are some classes with specific gear super OP, yes. Are there to many party wide def abilities on to low of a cd? Yes. Does 6v6 reward skill, no not really. Gear in 6v6 trumps skill. Can a skilled player killed a geared player solo, more then likely. Can a solo skilled player kill a whole team, NO. The reason why i know i can say this is with my gear, i can easily clear 3-4 people in BL with red spin alone if they themselves do not have gear. Simply because they can not kill me fast enough. 


So should there be a change to how match making works, yes i do believe it should be, but will it happen anytime soon, probly not. All we can really do is grind it out...like all asian style MMO's and hope for the best. Or you can swap classes like everyone keeps telling me to do when i Bit*h about my damage as a Des. 

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On 1/5/2017 at 5:16 PM, KugekiAme said:

I think a good solution would be to make a permanent cap that all players seem to revolve around for battlegrounds. Then reinforce that solution, with a backup solution like a persisting kick from the battlegrounds if you do not have the right statistics on at that time. Or, match us up with the people our statistics level in general. It's not about ranking at that point anymore, but can become since there is room to grow.

look the battlegrounds are flawed but make no mistake teams are randomly created and people who dodge a match because they think they might be on the losing side deserve to be penalized. I am not sure how you can argue that checking player stats and staying when you think you are on the winner is fine but dropping to avoid penalty when you are on the loser is ok. There are many ways to fix the battlegrounds make no mistake this is one of many of the needed fixes. I find the biggest flaw is that there seems to be no algorithm at all to try to balance teams, one team can get 4 people hm4 or less with 450ap or less and the other team can be stacked with 4 people 700+ ap... Now if the game simply attempted to balance the teams upfront it would help alot that way each team has its share of low geared player and high geared players...would not be perfect but a big step to improve it.

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There is no such thing as ELO hell - sure, matchmaking hates on you sometimes, but if you belong at your rating, you will carry yourself back to it... simple as that.


This whole thread seems just awful, leavers deserve the extra ratings penalty they take.

I would say afkers should get one too, but that would be harder to implement in a fair way...


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this WW should be deleted, terrible match system and to cap a node is a pain against macro players, i've been targeted so randomly when i'm in stealth no matter if i'm close or far or hiden behind a tree bush it's like i'm not in stealth, completly bullshit. We should have a torch like in beluga that gives a little immune against those macro'ers. 

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yes is it.

So you dont like have low gear ppl in your PT but the best moment of WV was when there was the event and lots of low lvl ppl go there.

You forgot low lvl ppl go for both teams so sometimes you win sometimes you lose. Is beter that before when lots of ppl abused and log out.



You say this:

I mean, I did Desolate Tomb at five hundred and eighty attack power on my sin.

I believe we beat the boss, so you know what really turns me off?

People who only want an easy run, that's what upsets me overall about this game.


Nice! But why you dont think the same way for pvp


Me just have hard time get pve gear and i dont go lost time and $$ farme pvp gear perhaps when NCS stop rush content and i have time to farme pve gear i lost time in pvp gear.

But do not worry for me i just go there if im very boring or if event come back.

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On 1/5/2017 at 1:26 PM, Half said:

I'm not joking, but you can't read correctly. I said dragon tongue is not such dangerous like grab and those dmg skills. But dragon tongue is highly dagerous. But in fact the chance to die is in grab so much higher compared to dragon tongue. Yes, you need 2 people in base, but at least it's a 6v6, so it's very common. But everybody can do a huge amount of damage and up to 5 people can dmg you at the same time. In pve my sin did over 30k dps with 450 ap and low crit chance and crit dmg. Ok in pvp it would be lower, but even with 450 ap he's dangerous while you're grabbed. The other fact is -> you can escape from dragon tongue while bd has multiple grabs, so you can't protect yourself with intelligent cd management, you waste your escape tab with first grab and you haven't a 2nd for 2nd grab.

Grab skills require other people to do damage. It is OP if you have other teammates around you and know what to do. So, it is a support skill. Remember you have teammates in 6v6 battleground. If you charged into a group of 2-3 people alone with mulitple grabbers, then it is your problem.


BM's dragon tongue and RMB fireblade is OP as solo attack skill. You don't need other people for help.

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