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Suggestion: Latency Enhancement for Brazilians

Jhin Gordon

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I wonder if those responsible for the game Blade And Soul have some perspective for creating a new route for Brazilian players. There are a lot of Brazilian players in the game, and we are suffering a lot from the fact that the game is only for NA and does not have a latency route or something that reduces game latency, usually players play with a variation of 200-300 latency depending on the state in which it lives, using programs to reduce latency this variation drops to 130-200 latency, and this latency does not contribute to a better use of the game. We Brazilians do not want the game to be translated or that some Brazilian company is responsible for the game here in Brazil, wanting only a solution that can reduce the latency of our players to enjoy the game in the best way possible. Whether by creating a Brazilian channel or by creating a specific route for Brazilian players, we would just like to play and be able to invest in a game that we can play without lag. There are several NA games that have chosen to make a specific tunnel for Brazilian players reducing latency for us. There are many Brazilian players who are stopping playing because of the very high latency because it totally affects their gameplay.
The creation of this new route or some other solution to the latency problem would open doors for the entry of new players and make the old players return, in this way the company would have more players and consequently more profit.
We Brazilians are fully available to the company for any kind of questions or information required. I would like to ask the company to think fondly of what was said, that I guarantee that thousands of players would like this to happen.

Thanks for listening.

OBS: All text has been translated by the site Google.com/translator. Any mistake in reading or interpretation I apologize.


Gostaria de saber se os responsáveis pelo jogo Blade And Soul possui alguma perspectiva para criação de uma nova rota para o jogadores Brasileiros. Existe uma quantidade muito grande de jogadores Brasileiros no jogo, e estamos sofrendo muito pelo fato do jogo ser somente para os NA e não ter uma rota de latência ou algo do tipo que reduz a latência do jogo, usualmente os jogadores jogam com uma variação de 200 - 300 latência dependendo do estado em que mora, utilizando programas para redução da latência essa variação cai para 130 - 200 de latência, e essa latência não contribui para melhor aproveitamento do jogo. Nós Brasileiros não queremos que o jogo seja traduzido ou que alguma empresa brasileira seja a responsável pelo jogo aqui no Brasil, querendo apenas uma solução que possa reduzir a latência dos nossos jogadores para poder aproveitar o jogo da melhor forma possível. Seja pela criação de um canal brasileiro, seja pela criação de uma rota especifica para jogadores Brasileiros, apenas gostaríamos de jogar e poder investir em um jogo que possamos joga-lo sem lag. Tem vários jogos NA que optaram por fazer um túnel especifico para os jogadores brasileiros reduzindo a latência para nós. Existe muitos jogadores brasileiros que estão parando de jogar por causa da latência muito alta, pois afeta totalmente em sua jogabilidade.
A criação dessa nova rota ou alguma outra solução para o problema de latência iria abrir portas para a entrada de novos jogadores e fazendo os jogadores antigos retornarem, desta forma a empresa teria mais jogadores e consequentemente mais lucro.
Nós brasileiros estamos inteiramente à disposição da empresa para qualquer tipo de dúvida ou informações necessária. Gostaria de pedir que a empresa pense com carinho no que foi falado é que garanto que milhares de jogadores gostaria que isso acontecesse.

Obrigado pela atenção.

OBS: Todo o texto foi traduzido pelo site Google.com/tradutor. Qualquer erro de leitura ou interpretação eu peço desculpas.

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I live in the states and I run the game with 130ms-160s majority of the time, and on good days close to 115ms. And and terrible days like right now im running on 200-215ms.....And i believe the latency is still perfect in the 200 range, only around 300-500 it gets chaotic. Pretty much all i am saying is 100-250ms is totally fine with BnS, and this is coming from an arena favor player. 

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I have a friend living in Brazil. He doesn't play this game but he is also having a hard time connecting to our VPN located at the southern part of NA. This is an issue with the ISP and something that cannot be controlled by NCSoft. Hence it's better to connect through a VPN that goes directly to NA.


I wouldn't recommend WTFast at this point after experiencing chat issues while connected through their servers. This is when miscommunication issues happens.

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The problem  isn´t the game, but our Internet providers.

Routing is the most expensive part of the service because it provides for user balancing and bandwidth usage.
So you've already figured out that to cheapen they adopt the cheapest standard routes for them, they get an International Link and they all throw in it.
That's why our connections leave Brazil for Spain after France, Germany for England that goes to NY (USA) and then goes to Austin Rexas where it is server. This is about half around  the world generating 350+ pings :(

The only way I could solve this was by using WTfast. It is paid but solves qq routing problem. In the game soft PVE and PvP runs until cowardly many times in the Arena I have to wait for the opponent to appear unless I attack half his HP shot and then the guy moves. Getting between 75-100 Ping max. The game is excellent.


Português :

O problema não é o jogo , mas os Nossos provedores de Internet .


O roteamento é a parte mais cara do serviço pois prevê  balanceamento de usuários e uso da banda .

Portanto vc já concluiu que para baratear eles adotam as rotas padrões mais baratas para eles , pegam um Link Internacional e jogam todos nele .

Por isso nossas conexões saem do Brasil vão para Espanha depois França , Alemanha volta Inglaterra que segue para NY (EUA) e depois por ai vai até Austin Rexas onde fica server  . Isso vale mais ou menos como meia voltya ao mundo gerando pings de 350+ :(


Única forma que consegui resolver isso foi usando o WTfast . É pago mas resolve qq problema de roteamento . No game roda macio PVE e no PvP fica até covardia muitas vezes na Arena eu tenho de esperar o oponente aparecer senão eu ataco tiro metade do HP dele e ai o cara se mexe . Ficando entre 75-100 Ping max . O jogo fica excelente .


[ ] ´s

 The Hawk 



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All our knowledge about the trajectory of our connections is to reach its destination, our focus is a way to solve the problem of 95% of the players, with the objective of improving the quality of the players regardless of the geographical location that it is What I mean is that there are several other games. NA / KR / EU.

Common VPN (WTFast, Pinggzaper, Semlag, NoPing, etc. etc.) we get a ping between 75-100 fixed. This was a complete cast of the comment you've seen.



Thank you! 








Todos nós já sabemos da trajetória que nossas conexões faz para chegar ao seu destino, o meu foco é encontra uma forma de resolver o problema de latência de 95% dos jogadores, com objetivo de melhorar a qualidade dos nossos players independentemente da localização geográfica que ele se encontra. O que eu quero é que eles façam o que varios outros jogos NA/KR/EU estão fazendo que é a criação de tunnel melhorando a conexão para seus jogadores.



Com nenhum VPN (WTFast, Pinggzaper, Semlag, NoPing, etc.. etc..) conseguimos um ping entre 75-100 fixo. Esse foi o resultado que obtive no decorrer de 8 meses jogando B&S através das minhas experiências e de colegas.




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20 hours ago, KlausFlouride said:

You don't seem to understand you are to far away from the closest server. The packet has to travel thousands of kilometers to get to its destination and then back again which takes a lot of time.

Latency is not the issue, a more direct server route would yield around 100-120ms pings which is perfectly playable in both PVP and PVE (reason why people in foreign countries turn to VPN services).


Even if the client machine is several countries away from the host, a straight (or as straight as possible) route mitigates this enormously. 


You need to take some networking classes dude.

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10 hours ago, Innolis said:

Latency is not the issue, a more direct server route would yield around 100-120ms pings which is perfectly playable in both PVP and PVE (reason why people in foreign countries turn to VPN services).


Even if the client machine is several countries away from the host, a straight (or as straight as possible) route mitigates this enormously. 


You need to take some networking classes dude.

Yes, that's what we want!

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Sadly we cannot "create" a route or our own network from scratch, that's not something a company like us operating low profit margin products can afford. Yes Blade & Soul is relatively a low profit margin product (especially if we consider South America alone), we aren't in the finance industry where 5 milliseconds of latency are worth billions and where HFT firms are fighting over 1/10th of a millisecond.


Building your own network is extremely expensive, and doing something like Riot did is possible when your game is one of the most played and one of the most profitable in the world, not when you are Blade & Soul.


You have companies out there who specialize into providing gamers with a better routing between their homes to most of popular game servers in the world. These companies exist because your average ISP doesn't really care much about the latency overall. Their job is to make sure that the bulk of their customers can access the most used websites/services today (Youtube, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon and so on...) not to play -that- Online Game, from -that- company with the lowest latency possible.


If you experience higher latency during peak times, this has nothing to do with the Blade & Soul server load itself (fact is the load was way higher when we launched the game), but mainly because just like you, millions of internet users start surfing when they're back from work, congesting lines and thus increasing overall latency for everyone.  There's no point from an ISP to build a network which would accommodate all that traffic while retaining an optimal latency just 4~5 hours a day. It would be like building additional roads or train lines around holidays just because more people are travelling.


Latency isn't an issue to most internet users. Having 300ms when watching Netflix or YouTube won't change anything. Gamers requiring a low latency at all times are a minority. Netflix / YouTube / Facebook alone account for more than half internet traffic at peak time in North America. So most ISP are making sure people can access these at a relatively good speed rather than making sure that the latency remain extremely low for gamers out there. If there was no problem with ISP (could it be the one you pay directly or the ones in-between), services like WTFast or Pingzapper wouldn't even exist to begin with and as of now they still remain the most convenient solution to ease latency problem for players suffering from bad routing.


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We... Latin America and not only Brazil many other countries also need a server in South America I am from Argentina and stopped playing since mid-year because of the ping problem... this game requires a maximum ping of 50 - 60 and unfortunately there is no such ping for Latin America as there are servers for North America (Texas) and Europe (somewhere in Germany) there would have to be servers for South America (Brazil where almost all online gaming servers are ) This game seems to me very good but with this ping I am not to the equal of other players with the low ping it is much notice the difference and more in the pvp endgame

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24 minutes ago, Guinte said:

We... Latin America and not only Brazil many other countries also need a server in South America I am from Argentina and stopped playing since mid-year because of the ping problem... this game requires a maximum ping of 50 - 60 and unfortunately there is no such ping for Latin America as there are servers for North America (Texas) and Europe (somewhere in Germany) there would have to be servers for South America (Brazil where almost all online gaming servers are ) This game seems to me very good but with this ping I am not to the equal of other players with the low ping it is much notice the difference and more in the pvp endgame

Certainly, wanting improvement in the quality of the game and by the way we will not have.



Certamente, querendo melhoria na qualidade do jogo e pelo jeito não teremos.

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Same for me, i stopped playing because of the latency, couldn't even block the one second bosses charges, also missing double taps dashes on my kfm 

the PVP was chaotic, couldnt counter anything, it was just about luck,

for me a game like this one should have same ping like CS go, i have 30-50 ping on CS go here on Brazil South America

I bought a lot of stuff from you guys, but that didnt kept me playing becouse of the latency, so, if i was playing really, i would spend more,


I understand that you guys cant make one private route, but not be able to rent a server on South America where a LOT of players would play if you guys just did the right marketing, maybe just for the first year of release just to see what would happen and then migrate back to NA servers if anything went wrong or non profitable, but you guys choose not to, and that was a big mistake in my opinion, if there was no such population then the server wouldnt need to be so big at all, and if it is really big an upgrade would fix it and it would profit more, but unfortunately it went the way it did. So i stopped playing after a few months of frustration on pvp even on PVE, unrealistic delay and sometimes even connection problems, i was really looking forward for this game but that made me give up. And belive me i tryed WTFAST and battleping, at first it was nice, but after a month when i started the endgame pve and pvp i realized it was just a mask and it would not work.

Im disappointed :/

IF you guys just try one south america server, i would certainly return to the game, and i bet alot of my friends also would



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On 14/12/2016 at 1:50 PM, Tigre said:

So i stopped playing after a few months of frustration on pvp even on PVE, unrealistic delay and sometimes even connection problems, i was really looking forward for this game but that made me give up. And belive me i tryed WTFAST and battleping, at first it was nice, but after a month when i started the endgame pve and pvp i realized it was just a mask and it would not work.

This is what happened to me exactly i really like the game but i cant play it well

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unfortunaly ping 200~250 in blade and soul seems like 500...

feelsbadman T_T


would be nice to have a more stable ping, when it stays on 200~220 it feels awesome but almost all times its floating 220~300 even with a vpn/tunnel

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On 13/12/2016 at 5:00 PM, Guinte said:

We... Latin America and not only Brazil many other countries also need a server in South America I am from Argentina and stopped playing since mid-year because of the ping problem... this game requires a maximum ping of 50 - 60 and unfortunately there is no such ping for Latin America as there are servers for North America (Texas) and Europe (somewhere in Germany) there would have to be servers for South America (Brazil where almost all online gaming servers are ) This game seems to me very good but with this ping I am not to the equal of other players with the low ping it is much notice the difference and more in the pvp endgame

Well, I, on the other hand I did not spend anything with the game because I did not know if I still had it or not, after all I had stopped playing once and came back because of a friend of mine who had started in the game to help him, And I've been back since then, but the latency problem, ranging from 200 to 300ms in an absurd instability makes me want to give up sometimes. Please NCSoft, we beg you to get a solution. The Brazilian community is one of the biggest in terms of games, you should know this, after all they have two or three servers filled only with Brazilians. So you really should think about the possibility of a test, renting a server in Latin America, so you would probably win and we, the players here too

(Translated by translate.google.com)

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That's sad to hear, I, as brazilian player also suffer with ping(while doing PvP), actually i'm playing with latency 140-180ms, 90-120ms during the morning, all this using the "WTFast, advanced subscription(to avoid chat issues), don't have problems on PvE.

I've invested some money into this game buying Premium Membership every month, also when there has cool outfits on F10 Store, i could spent some more money, but i already have to pay a VPN to play(9.99$ USD), not that much, but my currency isn't dollar.


Rent a South America server isn't a bad idea, because only the Brazilian community playing this game right now is pretty big, not to mention the whole South America community, i have 2 friends, one from Venezuela and other one from Argentina that quit playing cuz of high latency (300+ ms), so does many brazilians.

Actually, my guild is one of the biggest in Jiwan Server, and 80% of our members suffer alot with high latency, something that prevent us from making, for example, Midnight Skypetal stages 5-6(closed raid from clan only).


NCSoft could at least consider making an analysis of our situation and see what can be done to provide South America community a better gameplay.

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Bom, é triste mesmo ver o que está acontecendo nesse jogo, algum  tempo  atras  eu conseguia jogar sem problema, mas hoje em dia infelizmente não está muito acessível, meu ping oscila muito as vezes também  chegando aos 1000 mil ms com  variações de 300,400, 500, 800 é tenso. acho que o ideal seria   150 de ping pelo-menos  pra-mim,  nem consigo imaginar os caras  jogando com  50 a 60 de latência é super top, eles sempre   terão vantagens entre  nós BR. 
- como esse jogos é tudo voltado ao pvp, mais que o pve. é  muito trabalhoso pra farmar gold, nem sempre da pra jogar  nos  dungeon. e  pvps.  espero que um dia eles tentem fixar esse problema de latência. é terrível. só nos resta aguarda  a nsofter fixar esse problema.  ou todo  da America do sul   vão acabar desistindo de jogar..


: Translater google. Tranks  all  It's in the fight, let's go br

Well, it's sad to see what's happening in this game, some time ago I could play without a problem, but nowadays it's unfortunately not very accessible, my ping oscillates very often also reaching 1000 thousand ms with variations of 300,400, 500 , 800 is taut. I think the ideal would be 150 by the least-to-me ping, I can not even imagine guys playing with 50 to 60 latency is super top, they will always have advantages between us BR.
- as this games is all aimed at pvp, more than pve. It's too much work to do gold, not always i can play in the dungeons And pvps. I hope one day they try to fix this latency problem. it's terrible. We are left to wait until we fix this problem. Or all of South America will end up giving up playing ..

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