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Can i remember old times wars over Soulstone plains... today is just a old dream... how is possible ... the game changed too bad, today this game is based in the ring and necklace and soon belt... ppl make their character pro only cuz ring they have many advantage its ridiculous how the ring helps, i know ppl want to be more stronger, legendary accesories helps but "WEAKNESS"? seriously?, think about it this is the reason why ppl is leaving this game cuz ppl with this items have many advantage, if u want balance make a easy way to get that items for everybody and not only to a few players, some players havent pvp but that RING HELPS A LOT, isnt fair, everybody want to get legendary items to play a balanced game and not like we are playing right now, is bored, is ridiculous isnt fair, think about it...

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5 minutes ago, Albastaid said:

more than 150 times... isnt fair...

and if ring is random, and if u have lucky drops... and and u must to bid ... loool ridiculous... why u cant change for a item or part of the history?, but drop? is so ridiculous... ppl who  havnt money? gonna be weakness for ever? that is not fair...

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1 hour ago, NightFer said:

Have a good clan -> run it with them in 4-man mode -> get the ring for free. You can duo 4-man mode ffs, stop being bad and whine all over the forums that things are hard to get, ofc they are, they arent legendary just for the lulz...

Not all the ppl have time to do it, not all the ppl need that legendary items... isnt fair...

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8 minutes ago, Kisagii said:

Why rush? The game is only playing catch up. Just take your time at your own pace. If people have the items before you then good for them and they have luck. You'll get it soon, just keep farming is all you have to do.

Take ur time? 150 times isnt enough 4u? looool, have luck? that is so ridiculous..., noob ppl now are pro ppl cuz ring and neckñace? WITHOUT SKILLS? without pvp pleaseeeee..., why  this items cant be traded by another item like citrine, ruby or peridot why not? that it could be fair for everybody and not only for someone with money and luck... that items must be accesible for everybody, u dont think about another ppl without money? oh sure is doesnt matter for u because u have money right?, manye pppl on this game have no time to do SSP and SELL SOULSTONES ALL THE DAY BRUHHH so think about it...

2 hours ago, NightFer said:

You should run Ebondrake Citadel more often and you might have it too :P

ok is a good idea. and the rest of ppl without money?, uh? why isnt accesible for everybody?, exist ppl in the game with few money but they want that item too, i can bid 2k gold to buy it but the rest of ppl?, loool they just cant... is ridiculous this item must be changed for another sub items like peridot, citrine etc...

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21 minu

What about  the new dungeon coming on december 7, legendaries (weap + acc) needed?

Why item can be changed for another new items? its ridiculous... ppl is boring trying to get legendary items and ppl is leaving the game, because this!..., G..M cant see the problem? omg... this is ridiculous


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Wait... are you crying about -35 crit def per stack? If you dont have crit def (usually when you have full legendary pvp ss fused with crit def you should have around 2.3-2.5k) thats entirely your problem, but 350 crit def reduction is ridiculously bad if you whine about. Thats what this "Weakness" is all about :D

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6 hours ago, Albastaid said:

Take ur time? 150 times isnt enough 4u? looool, have luck? that is so ridiculous..., noob ppl now are pro ppl cuz ring and neckñace? WITHOUT SKILLS? without pvp pleaseeeee..., why  this items cant be traded by another item like citrine, ruby or peridot why not? that it could be fair for everybody and not only for someone with money and luck... that items must be accesible for everybody, u dont think about another ppl without money? oh sure is doesnt matter for u because u have money right?, manye pppl on this game have no time to do SSP and SELL SOULSTONES ALL THE DAY BRUHHH so think about it...

If you know that getting high gear is not always the same as being highly skilled then you shouldn't be worried about this. Making all legendary items tradeable will cause the economy to sink even more and people will lose their interest on farming them. Surely, you should be getting more gold after 150 runs from auction wars.

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