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Legendary SS bug?


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Noticed this a few days ago when a clanny and myself were talking about the PVP soul shield. Lately it seems like half of the time the soul shield isn't even activating, especially in 6 vs 6. A few weeks ago I was extremely hard to kill, I could tank 3-4 high level players with good piercing and not lose much HP unless I got pinned buy a summoner. But as of this last week I have had low HM characters with very low piercing and low critical just chewing through my HP like my SS wasn't even there. I also noticed that when that happens my DPS is none existent even against players with low defense and no crit def.


That was when we noticed this... this is my character screen (p) and f2 which is what other players see.



I thought it was just not registering the stat bonuses for other players to see, but when I switched back to my normal PVE SS... all the stats were identical.



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5 hours ago, NightFer said:

The stats apply on your character, but they dont change the character info that is seen by other characters. If you feel like its a bug, report it to the customer support instead of coming here.

I already did, but that is also why i included the bottom screen shot to show that when I switched to a normal SS which is still heavily fused the stats showed up accurately on both screens. It's only with the legendary that it does this.



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This bug is there ever since they fixed the display bug on the PVP legendary SS. Since then you can see that the player has it equipped but it doesnt show the stats fromt it if you check it on F2. Funny thing is that I had ppl in F8 who kicked me from a 6v6 premade party cuz they said my stats are crap and that I have no crit def despite I had the PVP leg SS equipped :D If sending a ticket will get the devs attention to fix it then I'm all in ^^

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