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Misty Woods PvP zone needs a change.


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I think it's time Misty Woods's PvP zone had a change.  I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who fell victim of getting spawn killed in the PvP zone. Now when I say "Spawn Killed", I don't mean having opposing faction members waiting outside of the war tent spawn waiting for you to jump off and engage in battle.  I mean players running up trees and gliding onto the top of spawns and proceeds to either pull, grab, and or stealth kill players in the spawn.

I have provided a couple screenshots of an opposing faction member performing one of the above acts.  (Names other than the unidentified have been blacked out to protect identities due to their names not being hidden)

Screen #1
Screen #2


Now I'm not trying to point any fingers or report individuals and say that this is a problem to only Legion members. This is a problem for both factions since it is the same method to get into the two spawns.
Something should be done about this and I have a few ideas that could possibly  reduce the numbers of spawn kills or even put an end to it once and for all.

  • Remove the ability to wall run up the trees in the faction zone.
  • Boost the sentinels by giving them true sight and the ability to instantly down a player regardless of gear, stats, and Iframes.
  • Give players who windstride in or respawn a protective buff that prevents damage and grants immunity to status effects until they fully leave the spawn.


The purpose of sentinels in the PvP zone spawns is to provide a sense of protection.  In Misty Woods, there is no protection when people know how to bypass it.  It's sad to see people get farmed in their respective spawns and all they could do is forfeit their faction outfit.  It's time to make Misty Woods great again.

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It is very hard to kill a person up there that is not afk, so I assume you refer to poor players who still see the loading screen while their characters are already inside the game and vulnerable.

In principle the tree houses provide adequate protection since the spot is uncampable to my knowledge so the timing would have to be perfect to catch someone spawning during loading screen.

The only ever kills I witness there are of chars whose players are afk.


Other OWPVP areas in the game have much worse protection, especially those that are not crimson/cerulean but for minor factions, who often respawn in town and even on the same spot. >.<

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