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[KR] New Skillbuild in Testserver


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18 minutes ago, Skynemis953 said:

Cant watch. Dont want to install vpn, can you describe what is happening?





The skill tree of all classes will be simplified and enhanced. The current system is too complicated with many “stages” and “tiers”. After the skill tree revamp, skills can be learned by simply selecting “stage” (no more tier). The total SP will be reduced accordingly since much lesser points are required to learn a specific skill. Refer to the video below for the test server preview of the new skill interface.


Instead of additional SP, “Hongmoon Points” (HMP) will be allocated when you gain higher Hongmoon level. These HMP can be freely allocated anytime into Defensive or Offensive stats.


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32 minutes ago, Redtokyo said:

This is live or they are they testing this first ? because i have been reading and the KFM kinda got screwed no Q or E while in Fire build .-.

They are testing it on Test Server:


" Refer to the video below for the test server preview of the new skill interface. "

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2 hours ago, Raizou said:

> The skill tree of all classes will be simplified and enhanced. The current system is too complicated with many “stages” and “tiers”. After the skill tree revamp, skills can be learned by simply selecting “stage” (no more tier). The total SP will be reduced accordingly since much lesser points are required to learn a specific skill. Refer to the video below for the test server preview of the new skill interface.



Do not want so bad that I'm considering quitting B&S for good if this skillboard comes to the final version :)

Both Tiers and Stages are the essence of the whole Hongmoon Skillbook, I think. They form Talent Trees that are awfully pleasant to behold.

Seriously, devs, please, don't ravage our beloved Hongmoon Skillbooks.

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There are two videos from this user regarding this topic.

One is Lightning, and the other video is fire.


Here are those two videos.

Sorry, youtube's automatic detection software blocks USA and 5 other countries from viewing. 

Here it is uploaded to a google drive. 







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So if that gets implemented, before we put in any skill points we have to select our element first? If that is the case r.i.p. my FM & KFM hybrid build. Lets all hop on mindless grab dps build XD


Looks like Destroyer is getting higher and higher on my list now, definitely going full shadow build on it.

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6 minutes ago, Suna said:

We have no skill points anymore, you just choose skill you wanna use.

Yes but from what I see, we have to select elements first, which will auto filter out some skills we can choose. So it is going to be very limited, my guess is if you can only choose cc (pvp) or more damage (pve) for each skill. So r.i.p. different builds, everybody will be using the same build :(

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27 minutes ago, Meginb said:

I wonder how they're going to handle/replace the secret techniques after this... dumbing down skill trees never ends well... that's why I quit WoW at the end of WotLK and have never looked back.

That's the point. If they really do this I will stop playing BnS instantly.


Btw these FM builds seams boring. Idk why they're doing this way.

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5 minutes ago, Half said:

That's the point. If they really do this I will stop playing BnS instantly.


Btw these FM builds seams boring. Idk why they're doing this way.

What you're looking at in these FM videos is someone testing the spammability for pve aoe's, and this also a test server, several things there are broken just for testing reasons. Many of these broken changes never make it to live server. the one showing the dragonchar spamming for like 2 minutes is just not possible, even with a change of 2 focus per use(instead of 3), and even with soulburn, every single attack he does replenishes his focus to 100%, simply insane (just not possible). Focus is the reason why we don't use that skill to be honest.

Yes, this looks boring, but this won't make it to live server, and if it does, then it'll be because all classes will have some kinda of stupid spam skill (thinks of dragontongue for example), but I highly doubt this. 


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2 hours ago, Leodore said:

What you're looking at in these FM videos is someone testing the spammability for pve aoe's, and this also a test server, several things there are broken just for testing reasons. Many of these broken changes never make it to live server. the one showing the dragonchar spamming for like 2 minutes is just not possible, even with a change of 2 focus per use(instead of 3), and even with soulburn, every single attack he does replenishes his focus to 100%, simply insane (just not possible). Focus is the reason why we don't use that skill to be honest.

Yes, this looks boring, but this won't make it to live server, and if it does, then it'll be because all classes will have some kinda of stupid spam skill (thinks of dragontongue for example), but I highly doubt this. 


While its true that this is the KR PTS, you can infact do that with future gears even on the normal server.


The elemental accessories increase your crit rate by a lot as well as allowing you to recover 20% focus everytime you crit. The Chokma weapon buff (much like our Baleful stacks) when activated gives you 5 seconds of 100% crit rate and recover 10% focus per crit. Add in the random 100% focus recovery buff from weapon and you can essentially spam Dragonchar endlessly with those things which is how he's doing it. 


As for HM skills, you can see on other videos that there is a book icon beside certain skills that have HM versions. We still keep those skills and still have to unlock them. Only difference now is that we do not need all those extra stat points to learn them, we just learn them. This makes everyone much more equal when they dont need as many skill points missing from their builds.

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5 hours ago, painkillers said:

Do not want so bad that I'm considering quitting B&S for good if this skillboard comes to the final version :)
Both Tiers and Stages are the essence of the whole Hongmoon Skillbook, I think. They form Talent Trees that are awfully pleasant to behold.
Seriously, devs, please, don't ravage our beloved Hongmoon Skillbooks.

You realize this balances out Arena at level cap? Everyone has full access to any and all skills and doesn't lag behind when they're missing out on points. It closes the gap between a fresh level 50 verses a level 50 HM 15.

3 hours ago, SoulsHunter said:

So if that gets implemented, before we put in any skill points we have to select our element first? If that is the case r.i.p. my FM & KFM hybrid build. Lets all hop on mindless grab dps build XD

No idea about KFM, but so far the differences between FM Flame/Frost is just Dragonchar/Blazing Beam verses Ice Rain/Dragonwhorl. Tab, F, Z, X, C, and V all still use both elemental skills.

3 hours ago, Meginb said:

I wonder how they're going to handle/replace the secret techniques after this... dumbing down skill trees never ends well... that's why I quit WoW at the end of WotLK and have never looked back.

They're still there, you just have to learn the secret technique and they'll automatically unlock. The same is true for normal levels.

3 hours ago, Suna said:

Pretty much yeah. Like bm can not use blade call with fire build anymore etc.

Why would a Flame BM use Blade Call, when Phoenix Wing directly boosts Dragontongue?

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17 minutes ago, KlausFlouride said:

Any guess on which class(es) are getting screwed on this update? Last two updates it was the Summoners. 

summoners screwed in pvp that's for sure and will be extremely vulnerable. Hope all the skill changing stuff is not really happening. 

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1 hour ago, KlausFlouride said:

Any guess on which class(es) are getting screwed on this update? Last two updates it was the Summoners. 

Summoners look like getting utility nerfs.The class is soon dead and totally useless,no matter how we try to keep it alive is getting worse and worse every patch.For us,which are totally behind as gear wise ,badges wise and elemental accessories and leggy soulshields the  nerfs from the test server ,if they come alive,will wipe the summoners from west map.Time will tell.

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6 hours ago, KlausFlouride said:

Any guess on which class(es) are getting screwed on this update?

First of all it seems like they remove skill points at all and add special points which you can use to your offensive or defensive stats. You get 5 point per hongmoon level. Here is a picture and a translation of what it looks like:

new Point system + translation


From what i understand you get +1 AP per point used. Doesnt matter if you add it to offensive or defensive. If you look closely you can see that lets say for example a HM 10 toon gets 50 points and is able to get additinal 150 AP (50 from using the points + 60+40 from the bonus if you add them to the offensive side). On the other hand we will loose the extra stats which we got from HM levels right now. Means we loose a little bit of AP, HP etc.

If you dont know how many stats you got so far you can check this file and calculate it:




That means for my example of a HM 10 toon: you get 36 AP from 10 HM levels so far which you will loose but you gain 150 AP from offensive bonus now. That means 150 - 36 = 114 AP extra AP after this change if you add all points to the offensive way, ofc.


This looks like a huge buff for every class. Imagine you get hundreds of AP for free. The 3rd offensive bonus looks even more interesting for me. You get 100 AP for 9 sec after a successfull resist. I might be wrong but it looks like a good way to close the gap between range and melee classes. Range classes were able to easy pewpew at bosses from the distance so far and do massive damage while melees had to suffer because they had to avoid and iframe attacks. Melees get some bonus AP now and are able to keep up DPS wise. Ofc, range classes can stay in melee range too and get these bonuses. Its just the feeling i got as i read it.



About the other classes mhmm i play blade dancer and summoner mostly. Thats why i cant tell too much about the rest. Keep in mind not all changes of the test server have to make it in the final version / game!


Most informations are based of reddit


It doesnt looks like blade dancers get that many changes or nerfs. A huge nerf should be the fact that the Z skill "Guardian Tempest" costs 6 chi now instead of 6 chi recovery. Like i said it doesnt mean that this change has to make it in the final version but it looks like they want to nerf the endless spinning + z resist like you have to choose wisely now if you want to spin or use z or you run out of focus. BDs are able to use Maelstorm for both spins now which is amazing and looks like a great buff. The only reason why i used the left tree mostly was because of HM maelstorm <.<.  About the 2 elemental paths: both look very simular. You get 1 version where every skill deals lighning damage while the other path deals wind damage. Like you get a wind version of Lighning Draw and Flicker where you collect wind instead of lightning balls now. The real difference between these 2 might be the multipliers where (i assume) wind does more aoe damage while lightning does more single target damage. They also swap the stuns/daze for 2 and V between these 2 paths. Wind 2 will be 2x daze (while lightning is still 2x stun) while Wind V will be 2x stun (while lightning is still 2x daze). Its able now to reset the cd of Lighning and Wind Draw which is really nice especially for users of legendary weapons.


About summoners mhmm hard to tell since the translation of the document on reddit was really bad. 3/4 of the text was just "WTF" which were not usefull at all. I guess it was just a summoner hater idk. I looks like cat doesnt heal after successfull SS anymore which isnt that much of a big deal since we still got our op party healing. It seems like sums are able to use X now if an enemy throws them in the air. Thats quiet nice actually. The duration of the snare of 1 seems to be shorter while you get a cd reduction if you use it on an CCed enemy. Mhm have to see how this works out, cant tell if its that good or bad atm. The focus management seems to be a lil bit easier for sunflower users. I looks like you can spam sunflower without focus costs if the enemy is CCed o.O? I guess the translation is just bad because i cant see a text like that on the picture of skill in the file. Same goes to the "change" of the skill 4 (Seed Shroud). People assume they increase the cooldown of 4 from 8 to 12 seconds which would be a nerf, ofc since 4 is one of the best defensive skills of a sum, very op in open world pvp / 6vs6 BUT all you can see in this file is a picture of the right path of Seed Shroud which we got already and which has 12 seconds cooldown already. There isnt a picture of the left path which has a cooldown of 8 seconds currently. I guess we have to wait until we get more informations. It doesnt look that bad for summoner actually. It might be just me but i dont see a big nerf so far.

And for everyone who is about to give up on playing summoner: just check the video of the sum on the test server





Most of the stuff are not really changes from the upcoming skill patch. Its more that you get a feeling how summoner plays if we get the badges, amulets, bracelets and soul shields which reduce or remove the cd of certain skills under certain circumstances. The spam of 2, F and 3 is real o.o. Its like summoners get a new play style with these goodies which is nice...at least for me. I get bored sometimes from just spamming lmb+rmb <.<. If you ask me then i would say summoner is far from being a dead class. We just need these items finally!


Side note: you can get a feeling for how the new point system works in the video too and you can see how easily a sum with 630 AP can reach almost 800 AP! (okay...he is hm 12 so not that easily but still!)



Anyway if you want to check what soul shields and other items we might get in the future just check the following link:


Spreadsheet (i know i linked it already, just want to make it uniform)



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25 minutes ago, fignus said:

First of all it seems like they remove skill points at all and add special points which you can use to your offensive or defensive stats. You get 5 point per hongmoon level. Here is a picture and a translation of what it looks like:



From what i understand you get +1 AP per point used. Doesnt matter if you add it to offensive or defensive. If you look closely you can see that lets say for example a HM 10 toon gets 50 points and is able to get additinal 150 AP (50 from using the points + 60+40 from the bonus if you add them to the offensive side). On the other hand we will loose the extra stats which we got from HM levels right now. Means we loose a little bit of AP, HP etc.

If you dont know how many stats you got so far you can check this file and calculate it:




That means for my example of a HM 10 toon: you get 36 AP from 10 HM levels so far which you will loose but you gain 150 AP from offensive bonus now. That means 150 - 36 = 114 AP extra AP after this change if you add all points to the offensive way, ofc.


This looks like a huge buff for every class. Imagine you get hundreds of AP for free. The 3rd offensive bonus looks even more interesting for me. You get 100 AP for 9 sec after a successfull resist. I might be wrong but it looks like a good way to close the gap between range and melee classes. Range classes were able to easy pewpew at bosses from the distance so far and do massive damage while melees had to suffer because they had to avoid and iframe attacks. Melees get some bonus AP now and are able to keep up DPS wise. Ofc, range classes can stay in melee range too and get these bonuses. Its just the feeling i got as i read it.



About the other classes mhmm i play blade dancer and summoner mostly. Thats why i cant tell too much about the rest. Keep in mind not all changes of the test server have to make it in the final version / game!


Most informations are based of reddit


It doesnt looks like blade dancers get that many changes or nerfs. A huge nerf should be the fact that the Z skill "Guardian Tempest" costs 6 chi now instead of 6 chi recovery. Like i said it doesnt mean that this change has to make it in the final version but it looks like they want to nerf the endless spinning + z resist like you have to choose wisely now if you want to spin or use z or you run out of focus. BDs are able to use Maelstorm for both spins now which is amazing and looks like a great buff. The only reason why i used the left tree mostly was because of HM maelstorm <.<.  About the 2 elemental paths: both look very simular. You get 1 version where every skill deals lighning damage while the other path deals wind damage. Like you get a wind version of Lighning Draw and Flicker where you collect wind instead of lightning balls now. The real difference between these 2 might be the multipliers where (i assume) wind does more aoe damage while lightning does more single target damage. They also swap the stuns/daze for 2 and V between these 2 paths. Wind 2 will be 2x daze (while lightning is still 2x stun) while Wind V will be 2x stun (while lightning is still 2x daze). Its able now to reset the cd of Lighning and Wind Draw which is really nice especially for users of legendary weapons.


About summoners mhmm hard to tell since the translation of the document on reddit was really bad. 3/4 of the text was just "WTF" which were not usefull at all. I guess it was just a summoner hater idk. I looks like cat doesnt heal after successfull SS anymore which isnt that much of a big deal since we still got our op party healing. It seems like sums are able to use X now if an enemy throws them in the air. Thats quiet nice actually. The duration of the snare of 1 seems to be shorter while you get a cd reduction if you use it on an CCed enemy. Mhm have to see how this works out, cant tell if its that good or bad atm. The focus management seems to be a lil bit easier for sunflower users. I looks like you can spam sunflower without focus costs if the enemy is CCed o.O? I guess the translation is just bad because i cant see a text like that on the picture of skill in the file. Same goes to the "change" of the skill 4 (Seed Shroud). People assume they increase the cooldown of 4 from 8 to 12 seconds which would be a nerf, ofc since 4 is one of the best defensive skills of a sum, very op in open world pvp / 6vs6 BUT all you can see in this file is a picture of the right path of Seed Shroud which we got already and which has 12 seconds cooldown already. There isnt a picture of the left path which has a cooldown of 8 seconds currently. I guess we have to wait until we get more informations. It doesnt look that bad for summoner actually. It might be just me but i dont see a big nerf so far.

And for everyone who is about to give up on playing summoner: just check the video of the sum on the test server





Most of the stuff are not really changes from the upcoming skill patch. Its more that you get a feeling how summoner plays if we get the badges, amulets, bracelets and soul shields which reduce or remove the cd of certain skills under certain circumstances. The spam of 2, F and 3 is real o.o. Its like summoners get a new play style with these goodies which is nice...at least for me. I get bored sometimes from just spamming lmb+rmb <.<. If you ask me then i would say summoner is far from being a dead class. We just need these items finally!


Side note: you can get a feeling for how the new point system works in the video too and you can see how easily a sum with 630 AP can reach almost 800 AP! (okay...he is hm 12 so not that easily but still!)



Anyway if you want to check what soul shields and other items we might get in the future just check the following link:


Spreadsheet (i know i linked it already, just want to make it uniform)



From what i could gather its:


Sunflower and Bees will deal more damage and cost no focus when hitting a cc'ed enemy (including pounce and knockup)

Seed shroud cd increased to 12s

Doom & Bloom can hit multiple targets heals per target

HP restore with true friend is removed

Roots decreased to 4s from 8 (its unclear whether its the HM roots or the normal ones) but since we have like 5 skills that reset roots completely its not a problem, people will just need to waste more escapes since we will spam them xD

Rosethorn and Bees projectiles are faster


Overall not a bad change but i bet like 50% of these wont come to live server, if they did, if played right a summ can 100-0 you with 1 cat pounce xD


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