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Why is legendary so much more here?


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Seriously what the hell NC.. why is upgrading to Baleful or Seraph so friken expensive here compared to the other BnS games? We have half the content as the Asian servers so half the gold drops that they do but yet our gear still cost far to much to upgrade. I looked at my weapon upgrade on TW and was shocked to see the difference in materials required to upgrade from scorpio to Baleful.


This is Taiwans upgrade requirements for scorpio to Baleful



Here is NA's



I always thought it seemed weird that state 1 legendary cost so many premium silverfrost when the rest only require one. It may not look like a huge difference but when you're talking 330G per permium stone and the gold for the regular stones.. that adds up and quick. TW I noticed they added in Naryu tablets.. well I will gladly farm the tablets if it means 2 less premium stones.

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Why? Because TW has already progressed their weapon path way higher, Black and White S12(449 AP), then Raptor S9(508 AP) or TimeSpace/Welkin S6(483 AP), then higher Dragon God S9(542 AP). So most of the active players have already passed Black/White S1. This is to make alt progression more friendly. I believe such cost reduction will come to NA eventually.

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6 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Also we are following KR weapon path and not TW.

Imo, the change from scorpio -> legendary should cost more as it is a lgendary transition.

From what I have seen so far there is literally no difference in the weapon upgrade path between us and tw, at least where we sit content wise. We have the same cost reductions and paths.

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41 minutes ago, DirectorTseng said:

From what I have seen so far there is literally no difference in the weapon upgrade path between us and tw, at least where we sit content wise. We have the same cost reductions and paths.

There is quite literally the difference you mentioned in the first post :P   We are keeping the same cost that KR has for that, so I don't see the point of comparing to TW. And ftr I agree with the part you quoted, that the transition to Legendary should be even more expensive than it is ; Legendary Weapon should be the stuff that legends are made off, not something that can be obtained with medium effort. But that's just an opinion.


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7 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Also we are following KR weapon path and not TW.

Imo, the change from scorpio -> legendary should cost more as it is a lgendary transition.

Considering that I transmuted 15 times and got ONLY 1 SPTS, hell no it shouldn't cost more than that. And for option go buy via market, that option can go to hell by itself, with all of these luckers around me transmuting in ratio of 50/50 if not higher

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5 hours ago, ToffyNexy said:

Why? Because TW has already progressed their weapon path way higher, Black and White S12(449 AP), then Raptor S9(508 AP) or TimeSpace/Welkin S6(483 AP), then higher Dragon God S9(542 AP). So most of the active players have already passed Black/White S1. This is to make alt progression more friendly. I believe such cost reduction will come to NA eventually.

Holy shit. those r all new forms of legendaries? QAQ

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4 hours ago, Jaylia said:

Legendary Weapon should be the stuff that legends are made off, not something that can be obtained with medium effort.

Yet, unfortunately thats exactly what it is here. Unless the fabled credit card swipe can be considered putting forth "effort".


Fact is "Legendary Status" in BnS West = CC hero whale confirmed.

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33 minutes ago, Mortal Kombat said:

Yet, unfortunately thats exactly what it is here. Unless the fabled credit card swipe can be considered putting forth "effort".


Fact is "Legendary Status" in BnS West = CC hero whale confirmed.

CONFIRMED by what ?

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5 hours ago, Sinnaru said:

Considering that I transmuted 15 times and got ONLY 1 SPTS, hell no it shouldn't cost more than that. And for option go buy via market, that option can go to hell by itself, with all of these luckers around me transmuting in ratio of 50/50 if not higher

Those 15 times would have gotten you at least 1 SPTS if you sold the materials.

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Legendary are hard to get now because its just luxury as you do not need it this year for any of the content including 4man tomb/citadel and even stage 6 Midnight. I can almost promise you that Legendary weapon cost would be reduced by the end of december/q1 2017 as the next big dungeons in the next year would require it at least the 4man versions of the next big dungeons. Right now a huge majority of the playerbase don't have legendary as the average player only plays a few hours per day earning around 30g depending on boss loots/bids plus the fact that a average player won't even play every single day for weeks/months in the first place.

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