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Do you feel people should be responsible for this?


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35 minutes ago, lostforumaccount said:


In a perfect scenario you wouldn't need any protection from your party member at any rate, and I'm saying that is true for ANY dungeon.

We know, thou, that a perfect scenario never happens, specialy cuz we're not as good as we think we are to beging with. Aside that players can lag, can have ping problems, pc performance problems, can be new to the instance, can be new to his role (since you can solo most of the game, you can't really expect people to know how to play in a group), or they can simply mess it up. And those are only the obvious reasons.


Having said that, forcing a party member to perform a task by calling him names is hardly eficient. If he knows how to use the skill, and his party is needing it, why not use? cuz he wanted to prove a point? ... completing the dungeon, is more important than trying to give his group a lesson (that he may failed to understand as well) or show how good you are / should be without any support of your party.


In OP's case, both side were wrong. the group demanding something in the stupidest way possible (by blaming him for any outcome), and the FM for not supporting his group when they needed (cuz they called him a noob and he wanted to prove they weren't the pros they think they are)

oh this is all very true too. what I see as problematic too, with all the factors that you mentioned, is that people just give up (most of the time) and abandon the party assuming that it was a mistake on some player's fault when it could have been a factor beyond their control. Besides even if it was a mistake, that is an opportunity for growth as a player.

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