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6v6 Dmg


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with increasing gear it feels like my sf does less and less dmg comapred to other classes in 6v6...i mean like 5k hits with rmb on stunned enemys (have 700+ ap and 3set challenger bonus) thats just a  joke ?!? range skills are even worse... if i dont get to fight a grapped target i can hardly down anything 1on1 Oo kingfist our IMBA skill we can use once a min does 15k against good geared ppl...

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  • 1 month later...

That is the situation I am going through right now, ajust like you.

But, TBH, I am new to this game, with 650ap HMLVL6. So my opinion about the weakness of my beloved soul fighter could be doubtful.

I'd like to see other players who play SF as their main char.


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  • 1 month later...

did u guys even use the right shields?

i hit about 12 k per rmb hm earth on cc'd target, 35% pierce and some ele accs for earth dmg help a lot, recommend 3 pieces with pierce combined onto them, 5 pieces crit def, 3 set challenger is nice also, also try to get 3 set whirlwind, which is really cheap and gives 20% dmg on aircombo


the ap is not really that important, its all about pierce, ele dmg, % dmg procs, like from badge and keep target on lockdown.

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