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SF anicancel question


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I am having doubts about my ani-cancel practicing with my SF.

While I run dungeons, I can clearly see purple after image when ani-cancel is successfully preformed by other players but when I do it all I can see is a brownish-red after image, nothing like the usual purple as I can see on video guides, too.




Am I doing something wrong? Why on my character it looks like that?

I am lvl50, just leveled hm2 and my gear is crap, not sure if it counts but someone on faction chat said that SS matters.

Also, my ping floats between 110-130, with spikes of 150 ms while in combat, not really a stable connection here.

Any clarification about what can cause that or about what I am doing wrong would be really, really appreciated!


Thank you for your kind attention <3

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It has nothing to do with your ani-cancelling. They are using an amethyst gem, which activates on a critical hit (the most commons one anyway). The color after effect signals the activation of your gem, so the red is your Ruby activating.

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