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Thank you NC soft


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Dear NCsoft-Team,


in behalf of my clan (and probably majority of players) I would like to thank you VERY VERY much for endinng the "Tower of Memmory" event. I never saw more precise title for the daily quest than "Not so fond memory". It describes perfectly my feelings toward this event. I won't argue about 'not so fond reward', because it always depends on Rngesus, but FFS ... last day and many player still don't have a clue what is going on there. Mass events like this gather many players which don't even follow the news published on the main website. The only way for clarify dungeons like this is an in-game tooltip or a tutorial. Maybe something to think about in the future.




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At first day i got 2x 10moonstone bundle, then i bought 37 resets, and from 74 chests, all i got was basic loot, Refining stone, 32x 10k exp charm, 4x 100k charm, coins of memory(alot), fortune potion(alot), fac insignia, truefriend charms, 2x fabric, 16x naryu silver.


I got a total of 116 chests on my main char and 30 on my alt, and thats all i got from this "event".

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A tutorial for what? everything is selfexplaining, it's not ncs fault that people are colorblind. They should punish players more who just afk though.


1 hour ago, Cheung said:

At first day i got 2x 10moonstone bundle, then i bought 37 resets, and from 74 chests, all i got was basic loot, Refining stone, 32x 10k exp charm, 4x 100k charm, coins of memory(alot), fortune potion(alot), fac insignia, truefriend charms, 2x fabric, 16x naryu silver.


I got a total of 116 chests on my main char and 30 on my alt, and thats all i got from this "event".

This was mainly an event for new players not a get rich event.

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13 minutes ago, Cor said:

A tutorial for what? everything is selfexplaining, it's not ncs fault that people are colorblind. They should punish players more who just afk though.


This was mainly an event for new players not a get rich event.

I wasn't expecting to get rich, did not mention that it helped me to upgrade my weapon from True Breeze to True Scorpio, with the refining stones i needed, but this amount of chests and not any good --besides 20moonstone-- loot, is totally crap.

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Well I guess I'm in the minority who loved this easy fast event and I had only 1 afker in all runs. I had enough runs to get both outfits and flower of lament. I wish more events were like this to be honest since we did it sometimes in full clan parties.

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