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[Update error E02018] Can't download BnS


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Hello, I am trying to download BNS on Monday (10/17) and that blessed error occurred (E02018), as shown in the image.





I've tried adding the DNS servers ( and, in addition to their IPv6), but not solved my problem.
I also tried to add the following line [ updater.nclauncher.ncsoft.com] in my hosts file (C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc) and not solved my problem.


When downloaded Hotspot Shield (VPN) I even managed to connect to the update server and download a 5% of the game, until my download limit end (limit download VPN). Anyway, I do not know if I should invest in some VPN just to download the game.


A note: I could play BnS normally until Sunday, when I had the error 4049, which made me reinstall the game (after hours trying to solve the problem with the GameGuard).


I tried to be as detailed as possible in the description of my problem, and if someone is going through the same and have any suggestions on how I can solve this problem, I would be eternally grateful!

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I have a friend that's having the same issues. It happened after uninstaling cause the game was weird... tried to reinstall and the problems began.

My friend even tried to get NCwest folder from other ppl... =T

If you manage to fix this, please let me know! 
Good luck


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Hey... my friend managed to fix the problem
turns out the download error occurs due to insufficient disk memory on HD... although the launcher/downloader does not point that.


Before reinstalling, check for this particular folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSOFT\BnS\contents\bns\CookedPC"
It takes 20GB+ ..so if you are reinstalling, you might not need this folder, yet. (not really sure what is its use).



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  • 2 months later...


ive tried to download BNS again, but it always gives me the following error:


Aktualisierungs-Fehler] Die Datei kann nicht heruntergeladen werden.
Bitte überprüfe die Netzwerk-Einstellungen (ISP-Autorisierung, Firewall, Antivirenprogramm etc.) und versuche es erneut.

Any ideas? (the german part is: "couldnt download XXXX, check your network options."

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On 10/22/2016 at 6:14 PM, Tripa said:

Hey... my friend managed to fix the problem
turns out the download error occurs due to insufficient disk memory on HD... although the launcher/downloader does not point that.


Before reinstalling, check for this particular folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSOFT\BnS\contents\bns\CookedPC"
It takes 20GB+ ..so if you are reinstalling, you might not need this folder, yet. (not really sure what is its use).



I'm having 120GB free space on my HDD, so it shouldnt be the reason, right?

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