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Ebondrak Citadel Stealth Tips Assassin


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1 hour ago, AlbertoBarbosa said:

Hello, I'm new to assassin and i have a question, why are you not using dark strike or stacking poison? Is it because it is a dps loss?

Thanks in advance.

From what I can see he is using Dark Strike, just not trying at all to stack 5 poison (which is a huge mistake). Given the fact that he's playing with 120ms I would suggest using Bombard+Shuriken instead of Heart Stab+LMB+Dark Strike. So either keep 5 stacks up and go with Dark Strike ; keep 5 stacks and go Lightning ; or go Easy mode with Bombs (this is a totally viable option by the way).

Sorry to say this, but all I see is an average assassin trying to stay alive and dpsing from time-to-time. At least he did his job with stealth...

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