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Dreadtide Arena


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So.... much... TALKING


Can we seriously get some way to skip all this useless BS talking you all insist on making us sit through? I can understand first time runs, but on dungeons that are not only achivements but ones that have such a horrid drop rate for said achievement outfit.. you just want to pull your hair out. Running the arena on a HM10 sum I can kill Naksun in 4 hits so roughly 10 seconds if I don't lag out. So you can imagine how fast the rest of the mobs are...


But this is how long it took me to run the damn thing. 2lixvtw.jpg


All because of that BS TALKING!

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1 hour ago, Vos said:

i agree too, and i wonder if costume is still dropped

I have no idea, my RNG seems to be horrific most of the time, I have run it multiple times a day and never seen it. Same with the Merry potter rec out of brightstone.. hundreds of runs and nothing.


At this point it's not really worth dealing with a dungeon that should only take 2-3 minutes top takes over 7 just because the NPC's gotta yack.. It's almost as bad as the wings of mushin. The sages sit there and bicker while the player gets up and makes dinner and comes back to them still bickering.

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Omg this drives me crazy!  I have 4 alts.  I love the looks of this outfit on my characters.  But the talking is driving me crazy.   I have been trying over 281 runs just on 1 alt alone, and still haven't gotten this outfit.  I am losing my patience.  There is no need for us to have to sit through that, each time.  I can see maybe 1 time per day- and then skip for the rest of the entries.  Yet making us wait through it each time, is beyond annoying.


We need a way to skip the talking.  I also agree about the cut screens in the dungeons.  They are usually triggered at the worst time and are just annoying.

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There is way to much BS talking in this game. I enjoy it when it comes to the main story line or even little side quests, but when you are running a dungeon over and over again for an achievement that has a horrid RNG drop rate you want to just start stabbing the NPC to shut them up.


The cut scenes.. well.. a lot of that is our own fault. Those dungeons aren't meant to just be rushed through and all the mobs skipped. But it is the way we run so it gets us in more trouble then it should. I can't count how many times I have been mid air, or jumping over mobs when someone faster then me triggers the cut scene.. yeah.. I've fallen to my death a few times.

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As much as I really want this outfit for my 4 characters, I am getting burnt out on trying.  Almost 300 runs now on my main, and I still don't have it.  I decided that 300 was the magic #.  If I haven't seen it by then, I am going to save my sanity.  If they ever allow us a way to skip the bs npc chatter, I will go back to farming for it.  


It is like that nightshade outfit in yehara.  So much chatter just to get a shot at getting an outfit piece. 


I understand that getting an outfit should be an achievement.  I am not asking for good rng.  I just want to be able to farm it, without going nuts from all the useless npc chatter.  It is an unnecessary time waster. 

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You can already somewhat skip the dialogs in dreadtide arena. When the NPc starts talking, press F next to it to open the NPC talk screen thingy then immediately exit, and repeat this. This will ship immediately the entire started npc talk.

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9 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

You can already somewhat skip the dialogs in dreadtide arena. When the NPc starts talking, press F next to it to open the NPC talk screen thingy then immediately exit, and repeat this. This will ship immediately the entire started npc talk.

Ohh I'm going to have to try that.

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16 hours ago, Grimoir said:

You can already somewhat skip the dialogs in dreadtide arena. When the NPc starts talking, press F next to it to open the NPC talk screen thingy then immediately exit, and repeat this. This will ship immediately the entire started npc talk.

it works, but not that fast anyway

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19 hours ago, Grimoir said:

You can already somewhat skip the dialogs in dreadtide arena. When the NPc starts talking, press F next to it to open the NPC talk screen thingy then immediately exit, and repeat this. This will ship immediately the entire started npc talk.


19 hours ago, DirectorTseng said:

Ohh I'm going to have to try that.


2 hours ago, Shukran said:

it works, but not that fast anyway

Does it really works? It never works for me.

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