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EU/NA Tournament Qualifiers results


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Here are the results:


Sarpoh SIN Celerrin SUM
2  Ryuki SIN Dahbears SIN
Tenah WL Vestaea SF
Radeyz Sr SF 4  Cassis BM
Enoll BM Svnshower BD
InoNooo WL llIll BM
Mr bUrself DES Fated SIN
BrotherBill BD 7  Anotherguywithastaff SUM
KellyQQ SUM 9  VapeNation BM
LeeteX DES Pokedex BD
Aipai FM 9  Stabbing Crazybobo BD
      Virus SIN




*funny fact: VapeNation is lvl 35 BM!


So when we all see above results, there is time now for:



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ikr for rm... and for sum why every nerf post are on sum and only 3 of them are on the list.... lol for the cry babies now bm bd especially sin are on the spot light for nerf post!!! oh man people will start swarming new nerf post all over when every class can win the damn thing... 

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8 minutes ago, Holybread said:

ikr for rm... and for sum why every nerf post are on sum and only 3 of them are on the list.... lol for the cry babies now bm bd especially sin are on the spot light for nerf post!!! oh man people will start swarming new nerf post all over when every class can win the damn thing... 

But one actually won NA quailifiers, plus for example summoners are almost half of IT ranking XD

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3 hours ago, Suna said:

I love how community think class is the one that win, not the player. If SinKyum Kim would participate with any class, I bet he could win any na/eu tournament.

true... not all summoner are good in PVP or PVE... same goes to all classes....

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10 hours ago, Suna said:

I love how community think class is the one that win, not the player. If SinKyum Kim would participate with any class, I bet he could win any na/eu tournament.

I love how some people disregard about class tier, if you are a competitive player this should be at the top of your concern.


If SinKyum Kim paired up with a player of his skills while playing a KFM & his opponent ASSASSIN, would you still bet on him winning?


It is not just B&S, almost every game has class tier where playing a certain class gives you higher advantage. Which is why people who LOVES their low tier class always QQ (me). We are already feeling bad enough when the game developers don't treat our beloved class better and we still need to deal with people who think all classes are balanced -.- Give me a break.

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