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The worst moment for Disconnects


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During the Grand Harvest Square 25 minute event, if I am on Channel 1 and attempt the 3 mini-bosses, I often freeze and DC as Channel 1 is where ALL the players start who want to complete the event as quickly as possible and move on.


The fact that OP Characters with a zillion AP all attack the boss burying my own AP pretty much means I won't get credit even if I do not freeze up and DC.


Typically, I go straight to Channel 2 unless I am invited to a team on my way to the Quest NPC. Always quieter, I have a chance to get credit and eventually players from Channel 1 come over to channel 2 and zero DCs on Ch 2 so far even on my potato-powered compy.  :)

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48 minutes ago, MichelleZhivago said:

During the Grand Harvest Square 25 minute event, if I am on Channel 1 and attempt the 3 mini-bosses, I often freeze and DC as Channel 1 is where ALL the players start who want to complete the event as quickly as possible and move on.


The fact that OP Characters with a zillion AP all attack the boss burying my own AP pretty much means I won't get credit even if I do not freeze up and DC.


Typically, I go straight to Channel 2 unless I am invited to a team on my way to the Quest NPC. Always quieter, I have a chance to get credit and eventually players from Channel 1 come over to channel 2 and zero DCs on Ch 2 so far even on my potato-powered compy.  :)

Yes, I always do GHS on channel 2. Channel 1 is always too laggy and full of high AP players.


Also, I wish they will make a boss that have a skill only attacking range class players, like a pull and restraint all the players standing 3-4m away from the boss for like 10 sec, knock them back and give them a HP dot damage for another 10 sec. This will be more fair for melee class players. It is hard to dodge the boss attack as a melee class during a mass event like GHS or 24-man dungeon or SSP while the range classes can just spam dps and stay far away from the boss. 

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Not sure what it is but if I get too close to the Exterminator, the final boss in GHS, I get grabbed, pulled in close and so far, at multiple GHSs, that has meant instant death. 25,000 HPs lost on ONE "glancing blow" and all my HPs on a direct hit. (I am a Level 50, HM 6, with 48K HPs-50K HPs with my basic pet. My gear is weak, true, but there is a good reason FMs stay away from or kite Bosses.) Backstep never works there. And trying to rush forward won't work either. Also, that "meteor shower" that the Exterminator uses gets out to the limit of my range anyway. If I stand still, I get killed. Backing up by holding down 'S' is painfully slow and won't work quickly enough there and Backstep sucks. On a side note, why is there not a good jump to the left/right skill?


Also seems strange there is only the "catwalk saunter" using '/' the jog using 'w' and a full out magical sprint using 'W +W.' Some sort of additional speed between 'w' and 'w + w' would be nice. It seems idiotic that a normal human can run fast from others when they hit them but my FM, a character with SUPERNATURAL powers in a game, is reduced to sloooowly jogging away from unwanted attention from aggressive NPCs once I am hit. In my experience, getting hit increases Adrenalin and I can really move then! Just being hit shouldn't automatically mean I am crippled. As to  Backstep, it never works when I want it. But it will go off when I am just pressing and holding 's.' That will be the VERY LAST skill I use a training point on! Oddly 'Q' and 'E' ALWAYS work. (Of course they do, they do not require double strikes on 1 key to work.) Backstep sucks. It is right there with DCs and those damned loading screens which take forever and are a rich source of DCs themselves for my least favourite things. :D 

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Not a DC but game crashed right when Kairam spawns after spending all the time doing what was necessary to get him to do so. I suffer both DCs and game crashes. This is the only game that I experience it with. And after doing everything they wanted in trouble shooting (they were trying to prove it was my computer) all evidence showed the problem is on their side and their last statement to me: "For the game freeze and crashing issue, we'll get back to you as soon as possible."

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