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nerf summoner pls


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10 minutes ago, Skynemis953 said:

About 50% less damage on all skills set and all damage to heal party members only. Also, have the cat just for show in PVP and unable to do anything like CC. People will be happy then.

Im legit not sure if ur trolling or ur just bad LUL

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I saw a lot of moaning here in the article. But sum is a pain in pvp yes, but so what. I will start a tweak to learn more about it. I try to fight the sum only by paralyzing the cat for 30 sec. Tower of infinite is a good training for it. 

I think the biggest problem of you all is: 

You are taking it far too serious. Thats it. 

Takes more as a sports man. 

That would help.


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Summoners be fine if you could just kill the freaking pet. But you can't. In any other game I've played summoner classes pets were squishy in pvp and could be taken out relatively easily then you could worry about the summoner and try to stop him or her before they can summon another one. But not this game. Nope. Both the master and pet are equally powerful and the pets freaking immortal. So its like fighting two people at one time.

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On 10/26/2016 at 10:13 AM, Molok13 said:

Summoners be fine if you could just kill the freaking pet. But you can't. In any other game I've played summoner classes pets were squishy in pvp and could be taken out relatively easily then you could worry about the summoner and try to stop him or her before they can summon another one. But not this game. Nope. Both the master and pet are equally powerful and the pets freaking immortal. So its like fighting two people at one time.

I'm not a huge fan of summoner but what you just described sounds like a case of being outplayed. A good summoner knows how to maintain their cat's health and their own. I have a summoner at 32 that I participate in arena from time to time and my cat gets blown up real quick if I don't pay attention.

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9 minutes ago, Lerialis said:

Ok, only summoners trading for win... Ok, ok...

Oh my bad this 450AP sums are 100% not wintrading. Its not like u can only fight a another team if they are less than 110 rating apart from your team and the sums are 300 rating from the first legit player.

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7 hours ago, Lerialis said:

I think they should nerf them hard. AT least disable their cat control in stun, knock or air.


Some sums will argue: We are two entites, you know? Ok, so opinion ve playing 2vs1 is totaly legit.

If you want to claim we are 2v1, then we should be as powerful as you in each of us.
We are 2 halves, we split our dmg from our control. This means you need to play differently from other classes. Acting as all CC's affect our cat as well would severely decrease the skill needed to fight the summoner and actually make them useless from any PvP perspective, as they lack iFrames to avoid getting caught.

You need to learn to fight summoner, it's not the same as fighting assassin, or FM, or SF.

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1 minute ago, Lerialis said:

Yes, you are. In other case it is not possible you can control cat if we daze or air you.

Gonna have to ask you to clarify what you mean, your sentence doesn't have an unambigous meaning.
The summoner is not equal in power to other classes, we have almost 0 CC, almost 0 iFrames, we are simply the damage of the class.
The cat has a fair amount of CC, allows some iFrames, but deals basically 0 dmg. The control of the duo.

If you wanna claim it's 1v2, then by that logic all other classes are 2 in 1, making it a 2v2, so back to square one.

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9 minutes ago, Yunim said:

If you want to claim we are 2v1, then we should be as powerful as you in each of us.
We are 2 halves, we split our dmg from our control. This means you need to play differently from other classes. Acting as all CC's affect our cat as well would severely decrease the skill needed to fight the summoner and actually make them useless from any PvP perspective, as they lack iFrames to avoid getting caught.

You need to learn to fight summoner, it's not the same as fighting assassin, or FM, or SF.

Yes, you are. In other case it is not possible you can control cat if we daze or air you. If we will do the same to your cat, you are still able to do shit ton of dmg.

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You are making 0 sense right now.
what claim are you confirming with "yes, you are"?
and what other cases? other games with pet classes?

and of course, if you CC the control, we still got dmg, if you CC the dmg we still got the controller.

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10 minutes ago, Yunim said:

Gonna have to ask you to clarify what you mean, your sentence doesn't have an unambigous meaning.
The summoner is not equal in power to other classes, we have almost 0 CC, almost 0 iFrames, we are simply the damage of the class.
The cat has a fair amount of CC, allows some iFrames, but deals basically 0 dmg. The control of the duo.

If you wanna claim it's 1v2, then by that logic all other classes are 2 in 1, making it a 2v2, so back to square one.

I think you just playing with words. I do not care about your skills. I have no problem with them. I have problem with simpler fact: You can control cat in every situation. Daze, air combo, knock down. I'm 3 metres in air and your cat knockdown me from ground. You vaste your tab so i can deal some dmg. No, your cat knockdown me. Two entites with full control against one. Simple.

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first of all:
You are supposed to be 100% evading while in the air, it seems the CC's should miss in that case. And sometimes it does, I have read alot of "evades" while learning when classes count as "in the air" and when they are "no longer in the air". I have managed some hits on KFM in max agility as well, despite 99% of everything missing. I have to admit I'm not sure if this is a bug or a mechanic that is largely unintuitive and with no explanation from the game side.


Second of all:
It's not my intent to play with words, I just want to know exactly what you are saying, your sentences were not clear in what they refer to, it's hard to guess which claim to discuss.


You should care about the skills, if you mean skills as in the players skills, then the player with more skills should win the majority of the time
If you are talking about summoner skills as in abilities then you should absolutely care about it, as knowing what skills summoner has and also counting cd's and knowing what is available is the key to winning. You need to learn how summoner plays to beat them. If we blow our tab, we can barely, if even then avoid your CC's. Every CC lands, while other classes have a plethora of iFrames to avoid getting CC'd in the first place. We can trade our offence for defence. if we daze you to stop a CC combo we can't daze you to deal damage and kill you. Everything we do has a tradeoff, you need to xploit those tradeoffs, or you will not win.

2 weaker entities, working together to form 1 total entity, fighting against whole entities. Just as simple

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On 10/26/2016 at 4:58 PM, Devilwithin said:





Everyone-oops maybe not everyone knows clearly about the fact that those things are the results of ''bosters'.Those characters might be played by same person-in order to boost them for rewards .There's nothing new under sun.Wintraders,cheaters,bots...the background of this game is infected by those.Why no one even checks those ?

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i am trying to think what happened in tw and kr that ppl dont play sum idk atm my mind else wear but i do belive once we unlock more skills in path and a few class changes that are for some reason not yet out sums will not be on top like they are now i do hear u though i beat most summs as a destroyer the rly good ones are deff on top though yes most are summs on your screen shoot any class can be top in pvp depending on the player if u know how to tech chase and properly play your class any class can be on top

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/26/2016 at 4:12 AM, Symex said:

U dont need to post screens about 1711 rating lol. U can get that high with any class by just knowing what your class can do...

The only reason there are so many sums in gold is because Sum is good vs bad players.

Sure early season, gl with fm ;) vid? screens?

oh right u never played anything else then that class.

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3 hours ago, Symex said:

I even got it on my 36 bd just now http://imgur.com/a/aGVwt.


If u give me time to level my fm to 40 i can get it aswell ill even make a vid of me playing  if u want ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) 

tl;dr, but whatever point you're trying to prove, you might as well do it from level 50 and not below abusing the shitty ladder system.

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4 hours ago, Gratus said:

tl;dr, but whatever point you're trying to prove, you might as well do it from level 50 and not below abusing the shitty ladder system.

u dont rly think that u get weaker opponents if ur low lvl lmao

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