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pure elemental stance


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I only ever stay in ranged if I know I will grab aggro, since range DPS is really crappy for Soul Fighters, only good when you can use V. Ranged can, however, net you that 1% of damage against bosses in places like GHS or Twisted Grimhorn Wilds without too much trouble with frames or dangers of getting hit.

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Grabbing aggro or beeing lazy dodging aoes isnt realy what i was talking about. Especially when you got hm counter having aggro aint that bad. Was more talking about stuff like yeti jumping, last boss masts or citadel. If those bosses jump its often quit viable to go ranged and spam lmb/rmb. Though as soon a boss is stationary ans ranged V isnt rdy always stay melde ( and learn the boss attack patterns to q/e or counter its attacks)

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there is a new soulbadge from heavens basin, that costs 50 flowers and 16k peaches, that gives 4 sec cd reduce per rb in elemental stance for V, with that sure, pure elemental stance no problem, 100% v uptime possible easy with it

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