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Requesting KFM tips against BD, FM, and SIN!


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Hey guys, I started playing PvP as KFM 2 days ago and have been trying to get lots of experience, but there are certain classes that have been giving me lots of headaches and it doesn't feel like I'm improving against them.


Blade Dancers with their near constant spin,,, I get how the skill works but how am I supposed to deal with it? Some people recommend using throwaway attacks to get it down but that seems silly given how open you are for counter attacks. My Q/E has a much longer cooldown than their spin and trying to avoid them through spacing usually ends up in me being aerial combo'd. It doesn't help that BD's and FM's are the most common classes I encounter in the arena, at least at my beginner level. Speaking of FM's...


FM's are by far the most popular class apparently (at least in EU) and I sort of understand why. Maybe they're particularly strong against newbie players like me but I only seem to win against completely inexperienced FM's. Yeah, I have my Avenging Fist and SS/LMB, but even if I get them to blow away their escapes, it's still really hard to chase them down for a combo. Meanwhile, I'm constantly taking damage throughout the fight. Hell, I've seen people recommend rolling FM's for easy and newb-friendly zenbean farming at low ranks. Is this a balancing issue or do I just suck, because I honestly can't win a fight against an FM that's at my skill level (admittedly pretty low). Soul Fighters seem equally nasty - KFM-like CC/survivability but with the FM range/freeze annoyance.


Lastly, there's the assassin. Every time I see one, this song starts playing in my mind. Most of my skills don't work against their invis even if I see them. Yeah, I can trip them up with 3 but the decent ones see it coming and avoid it. Meanwhile I'm getting dazed and taking massive amounts of damage.


Against all other classes I have fairly even match-ups. I win some, I lose some, and I make progress towards countering them better. The classes mention above are the exception. I get that every PvP game has the newb-stomping classes and it shouldn't be balanced around low-level play, but I'd appreciate some help with countering them... at the lower level.



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Against BD you can get starters with Flying Slam (only works in low elo), Leg Sweep or SS-LB. A pretty neat "trick" is getting a resist off their spin, KD them and straight follow up with Firestorm Kick for a stun. You can SS their sword throw and then LB-stun to kill two birds with one stone.


FM is.. uh. If they spammerino, you can just use counter and chase them easily or QE and firestorm kick for free CC. If they focus on combos, use your grab break wisely. Don't get hit by tab. Air combos, QE mid combo (you can follow with firestorm kick if they tab), knockdowns (FMs are really weak against those). You can get in damage safely with Tiger Strike and X to force escapes. Don't waste your skills (for example using daze punch just to get a hit in), just wait patiently for your openings and keep your defenses tight. Fighting FMs requires a fair amount of prediction, but if you don't let them get momentum they're screwed.


Against Assassin I suggest you thoroughly go through their skills, watch Assassin matches through spec mode or streams, or even make one yourself. You really need to know when they'll appear behind your back etc etc to have a proper chance.




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39 minutes ago, Gratus said:

Against BD you can get starters with Flying Slam (only works in low elo), Leg Sweep or SS-LB. A pretty neat "trick" is getting a resist off their spin, KD them and straight follow up with Firestorm Kick for a stun. You can SS their sword throw and then LB-stun to kill two birds with one stone.


FM is.. uh. If they spammerino, you can just use counter and chase them easily or QE and firestorm kick for free CC. If they focus on combos, use your grab break wisely. Don't get hit by tab. Air combos, QE mid combo (you can follow with firestorm kick if they tab), knockdowns (FMs are really weak against those). You can get in damage safely with Tiger Strike and X to force escapes. Don't waste your skills (for example using daze punch just to get a hit in), just wait patiently for your openings and keep your defenses tight. Fighting FMs requires a fair amount of prediction, but if you don't let them get momentum they're screwed.


Against Assassin I suggest you thoroughly go through their skills, watch Assassin matches through spec mode or streams, or even make one yourself. You really need to know when they'll appear behind your back etc etc to have a proper chance.




Thanks for the help! I'm getting somewhat better at fighting BD now that I can anticipate their chi management and avoid the spinning blade. Still losing but I see where I can improve. FM's are still an issue but I suppose I'll have to study up on their class a lot more. Your advice about assassins roughly falls in line with what I was told by some experienced players. "You need to be far above the sin's skill level and know their class as well as they do to beat them consistently, so take your losses and wait until the devs decide to do something about them - which isn't happening because they're all edge lords." Almost exact quote. Oh, well, it doesn't help that I encounter these 3 classes all the damn time but I suppose I'll take my beatings until I master my KFM... I just hope it gets better because I have to put so much more effort into this compared to all my friends (who are PvP newbies).

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This will explain sin, minor parts of it are BM specific but you can apply to KFM.

ie. triple kick guard break instead of BM's X, or ice tab/HM Z to break the sin out of stealth instead of BM's V.




BD you can get in close when they begin their spin and Q/E for free agility stack

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Thanks for the help guys but I'm kind of done with this game's PvP. Mind you, I didn't expect anything like CS/Dota/Street Fighter in terms of competitive balance, but the more I learn about other classes, the more I facepalm at the "balancing" decisions of the devs. The arena is chock-full of blade cancers, assassins, and FM's. Out of 120 matches I encountered 5 KFMs besides myself (yes, I counted). BM's are even more rare - only fought 3. Blade Dancer > FM = Assassin > Summoner > Warlock. Every other class is almost non-existent. I figured it's probably the skill level or unreleased content, but then I found out KFM is considered trash tier even in high-level Korean PvP.

The usual justification for KFM being so bad goes like this: "You need to be really good to make KFM work." No, you need to be really good to evenly match other classes - on a good day. Even silvers know that KFM can burst them down so they don't blow their tabs willy-nilly. So what does KFM have besides the ability to burst down an opponent that has foolishly blown all their escapes? Nothing. I-Frames? Please... Other classes have spammable, on-demand i-frames. What I found hilarious is that a warlock - who has the range advantage - can maintain more i-frames over the course of a fight than I can, while constantly disabling my approach skills. Don't even get me started on the Blade Dancer.


What's even more hilarious is that in 20 6v6 matches, I encountered 0 KFM's on both mine and the other team, Only KFM I met was a guy who was trying to get carried for a daily challenge. Yeah, aerial combos make it easier for WL, FM, and SUM on your team to DPS, but that's about all you're offering in team fights.


At the end of the day, it's not worth the time investment to master a class that gets constantly shit on by the devs. Gotta keep the LMB/RMB pewpew crowd happy I suppose. I'll scratch my competitive itch elsewhere, but it's a shame such an amazing combat system is ruined by poor balancing decisions. I hope PvE continues to be somewhat enjoyable - assuming I don't quit the game by the time I'm done farming my Hongmoon Pellet. To all my KFM brothers that remain competitive in the current meta - I admire your patience and dedication. You're the only ones that keep KFM from being a dead class past a certain HM level. Rant over. Peace out!

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On 8/10/2016 at 1:36 PM, Aloth said:

Thanks for the help guys but I'm kind of done with this game's PvP. Mind you, I didn't expect anything like CS/Dota/Street Fighter in terms of competitive balance, but the more I learn about other classes, the more I facepalm at the "balancing" decisions of the devs. The arena is chock-full of blade cancers, assassins, and FM's. Out of 120 matches I encountered 5 KFMs besides myself (yes, I counted). BM's are even more rare - only fought 3. Blade Dancer > FM = Assassin > Summoner > Warlock. Every other class is almost non-existent. I figured it's probably the skill level or unreleased content, but then I found out KFM is considered trash tier even in high-level Korean PvP.

The usual justification for KFM being so bad goes like this: "You need to be really good to make KFM work." No, you need to be really good to evenly match other classes - on a good day. Even silvers know that KFM can burst them down so they don't blow their tabs willy-nilly. So what does KFM have besides the ability to burst down an opponent that has foolishly blown all their escapes? Nothing. I-Frames? Please... Other classes have spammable, on-demand i-frames. What I found hilarious is that a warlock - who has the range advantage - can maintain more i-frames over the course of a fight than I can, while constantly disabling my approach skills. Don't even get me started on the Blade Dancer.


What's even more hilarious is that in 20 6v6 matches, I encountered 0 KFM's on both mine and the other team, Only KFM I met was a guy who was trying to get carried for a daily challenge. Yeah, aerial combos make it easier for WL, FM, and SUM on your team to DPS, but that's about all you're offering in team fights.


At the end of the day, it's not worth the time investment to master a class that gets constantly shit on by the devs. Gotta keep the LMB/RMB pewpew crowd happy I suppose. I'll scratch my competitive itch elsewhere, but it's a shame such an amazing combat system is ruined by poor balancing decisions. I hope PvE continues to be somewhat enjoyable - assuming I don't quit the game by the time I'm done farming my Hongmoon Pellet. To all my KFM brothers that remain competitive in the current meta - I admire your patience and dedication. You're the only ones that keep KFM from being a dead class past a certain HM level. Rant over. Peace out!

Mate kfm n sin are the only 2 class in this game that needmore skill n brain to play n be good.

Kfm is realy strong class in high elo.

Ufortunatly as in every class u need to learn every class to be good so to be realy good takes time till u learn all class in bns.

U have to know their skills n what they do n cds.

Sins are not braindead class we do long n complex combos using many skills so we have to set things in motion.

Kfm has the best stunlock but u need to use ur brain to make enemy use tab.

Go roll sin n go arena u will then realise that  u will have same problems but diferent class

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Being both a KFM and FM, I'm very familiar with this fight. All you have to do is simply spec elbow smash, use avenging fist (18 sec CD) and have smite specced so you can use it upon avenging fist. Also use the self freeze when you get snared. The trick to beating a FM is keeping up with her. If she can freeze you long enough, you're in for it. 


BD, spam that backstep/tiger kick combo. It's effective against both FM and BD. And always be sure that you get the first hit off. Right at the beginning if you flurry air then finish off with Comit strike you have a decent chance of forcing tab. But be sure to use Comit strike after they roll. This is what we call a tech chase. The usage of KD and Daze to get them to waste their roll so they have no choice but to tab. 


If if you want more info my IGN is either: Whissia (FM) Whissia Frosty (SF) or Whissia Hottie (KFM). Warning I get salty fast :P

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