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Suggestion for bots & Higher End Gamers


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Dear, ncsoft.com


I've noticed, by playing your game called Blade & Soul. People who are higher end gamer, hate trolls that have lower AP-Attack Power, also will never like mechanics done wrong. There should be no reason to restart a dungeon, over one of these flaws. I like the game itself, I love the content, but hate how you sit there on that butt of yours. So, this may seem like I'm ranting. However, the only thing that's fixed is 1v1's. Honestly, the Whirlwind Valley Isn't much different. I am giving this suggestion to the players, also the higher end community of gaming industries to take advantage of this. So, please do something about the bots, also add a boot while online too. It's getting annoying, everyone needs to be at least capped for something. Like, they cannot just get into Desolate Tomb. By allowing certain under geared players in, just for a daily? I often asked, it would be nice if we could get them to start..DOING SOMETHING! You do everything to lower the economy, also it isn't that hard. I have three, or more toons with Awakened Breeze at least. Before I do daily quests, I can do one for each toon right now. Until newer content, becomes too high. At least, how I see this is simple to the resolution we need.


1: Put a cap on dungeons, not just weapons to require them at least fully geared out characters.

2: Make accurate AP to the difficulty

3: Don't even let them in, give the game some consideration to the dungeon

4: Booting should be allowed online, and offline if you do nothing about the bots


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It's kind of sad, I would love to see HM abilities added into that. However, I would really focus on the stats weights more. The players should have them, yes I agree they make the job a lot easier. However, it costs quite a lot more to upgrade your gear over a HM skill. Wouldn't you agree, I would if you get further in the game. Farther, would kind of be pushing it unless it would be a unique dungeon. It just makes stuff easier. However, they might take all this into consideration. Please excuse my late reply, and I had to put a period there. xD

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Thats why you have the option to create LFG groups. Simple. If you use the auto-matching you should be well aware you can get anyone in the group. Hence its always better to make a LFG and check people that join in before heading off to the dungeon.


Putting an AP limit will not solve anything. Especially since all dungeons can easily be done with 500-550 AP, So you want a AP limit of 500 AP on desolate tomb? I fail to see the point and use in that.


People rely wayyyy to much on other classes abilities, same was when yeti came out and people only wanted to be in parties with forcemasters for the sheath, now in dungeons its the same with hm block from blade master. People need to learn to pull their own weight. Sure, it makes runs more forgiving and a tad easier but dont expect people to carry you everywhere.


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14 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

People rely wayyyy to much on other classes abilities, same was when yeti came out and people only wanted to be in parties with forcemasters for the sheath, now in dungeons its the same with hm block from blade master. People need to learn to pull their own weight. Sure, it makes runs more forgiving and a tad easier but dont expect people to carry you everywhere.

Sound like a FM who refuses to use Sheath during Yeti runs that used to complain about it on BnS Dojo. He got plenty of bricks throwing at him, enough to build a house, lol.


When you're in a group, you are expect to work as a team, carry the weight of each other and save the hide of each other in need, be it your purpose in the group or just sudden reaction against wiping mechanic. If you go "cricket you, I save myself, so you should do so too", and ignore your party members when they cannot cover their part by themselves, you're also an unwelcome weight for the party.

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4 minutes ago, Alysha Hawkeye said:

Sound like a FM who refuses to use Sheath during Yeti runs that used to complain about it on BnS Dojo. He got plenty of bricks throwing at him, enough to build a house, lol.


When you're in a group, you are expect to work as a team, carry the weight of each other and save the hide of each other in need, be it your purpose in the group or just sudden reaction against wiping mechanic. If you go "cricket you, I save myself, so you should do so too", and ignore your party members when they cannot cover their part by themselves, you're also an unwelcome weight for the party.

Actually i am a summoner not a FM. And you should never rely on others in the party to iframe / avoid mechanics, since all it takes is 1 screw up on their end and its a wipe. And thats what i mean. I contribute to the party as much as i can but i never in any runs trust someone else to cover for me since 8/10 times that will screw you over, and then thats in more than an unwelcome weight to the party because everyone starts yelling "why didnt you sheath / hm block/ heal / seed shroud etc" well, you have your own iframes too, dont rely sololey on others, thats your own mistake.

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Awesome plan!


I'm sure they will be initiating the "no you may not play the game" patch real soon!


I've played all 5 betas and started at head start if you think there are problems now boy oh boy you haven't been here long. Because it was 100000000000x worse. So yes there has been considerable improvement, now mostly all I see are normal players being asshats and well it's the internet and it's an MMO that will never change.

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10 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Actually i am a summoner not a FM. And you should never rely on others in the party to iframe / avoid mechanics, since all it takes is 1 screw up on their end and its a wipe. And thats what i mean. I contribute to the party as much as i can but i never in any runs trust someone else to cover for me since 8/10 times that will screw you over, and then thats in more than an unwelcome weight to the party because everyone starts yelling "why didnt you sheath / hm block/ heal / seed shroud etc" well, you have your own iframes too, dont rely sololey on others, thats your own mistake.

I'm a Soul Fighter, for good reasons. Force master's are way too much stall, but in some aspects of a fight. It's at times, you get really messed over while in a group. With someone who uses that one thing, because you need it. Then, it kind of just implies you know the fight. So, why we cannot boot people who refuse to learn? Is beyond me,  it would be wonderful if we can. I would be happier progressing, I am trying to learn those fights, but waiting it out to have higher AP. Because, I know quite well..It will be a very big part of every fight. I wish we could cleanse these bots, like we did with..Jinsoyun, to come back when they're ready. So, it will really be nice to see some limitations, or better requirements in all aspects of these dungeons. Not just, PVP/e, although I would be much happier without pay to play. I feel, it is more a choice on how you progress. A reply was included to  United17, I just couldn't figure out how to quote him into this. It's nice, to pay for that one thing, also when you need it most. However, a lot of teammates just have true profane. 

9 hours ago, Draelth said:

Some classes need to rely on others I-frames, like destroyers for certain stuff. Everyone had their job in a party if you can't do it you a bad party player, simple as that.

I agree with you, it isn't always the AP. It's sometimes, mechanics too. However, if they are really low in all aspects? They're called..Bad in general?  It's either one thing, showing you have achievements, or something that you've done it before at the very least.

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2 hours ago, Draelth said:

Some classes need to rely on others I-frames, like destroyers for certain stuff. Everyone had their job in a party if you can't do it you a bad party player, simple as that.

I think you missunderstand something here. Let me give an example:


Say you are doing yeti, you got a FM in your party. You agree that he should sheath during ice phase. All goes well, you DPS till ice phase comes and the FM...gets a lag spike / or delay etc and cant time it right and you wipe. You try again and the same happens.


Dont blame the FM for failing the sheath, because you could aswel iframed on your own / did the mechanics. and that is what i am saying. If you want to rely on someone else to save ur butt during mechanics, then dont use his as a scapegoat for the wipes of the party.

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1 minute ago, Grimoir said:

I think you missunderstand something here. Let me give an example:


Say you are doing yeti, you got a FM in your party. You agree that he should sheath during ice phase. All goes well, you DPS till ice phase comes and the FM...gets a lag spike / or delay etc and cant time it right and you wipe. You try again and the same happens.


Dont blame the FM for failing the sheath, because you could aswel iframed on your own / did the mechanics. and that is what i am saying. If you want to rely on someone else to save ur butt during mechanics, then dont use his as a scapegoat for the wipes of the party.

I would still tell him, he failed to do his job. It's not like you can rely on others, because if it keeps happening? It's still a cooldown, you have to waste it right? It's natural, but second nature to people if not informed at all. So, I don't see much difference..Sure, the assassin would use it anyway, but can you rely on that?

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