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New - How is my WL suppose to block everyone in Sundered Nexus?


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3 hours ago, LivingDeadGirl said:

Quell is my block that I know of. My parties need me to block in this dungeon. What is the best way I can do this to make it successful? Also once the blades are blocked are they destroyed? I haven't got past them in any group. At least if I did before I do not remember. Thank you. 

Its best if you aren't the one doing the blocking in nexus but in situations you have to you need to take a step back every time you block a blade since the blocked blade continues to rotate in place and damages you if you stay where you blocked it.

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Its been a few months since I've played, legion kinda has me too occupied.

Blocking this as a lock is very easy. Forgive me if I forgot the skill names, but before you start blocking pop your dmg resistance buff then just stand and block, you wont take damage if you do it that way.

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Your blocking success will depend on your party members to coordinate into a single line, otherwise the Drill Sergeant will throw blades (2) randomly everywhere.  If I'm blocking, I usually just coordinate my members to line up near the Dragonblood so that everyone knows where to go at that point rather than having your team trying to find you.


When blocking you also need to make sure all the thralls and cats are near you, otherwise the saws can possibly target them and you miss you chance to block.  The saws will bounce off the walls, so if you do miss your block, then just turn around and block them.  Whatever the situation, you do not want to block them near the center of the room because during the CC stage, melees could accidentally hit into them and get knock backed.


With Warlock's 1 (Quell), you should have time to block a saw, cancel it by moving back or to the side and then block again.


Hope that helps :).

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