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"This account is already logged in"


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So, I have sent a ticket to give sugestions about this message/situation.
Guess I'm not the only one that suffers with this message daily.

It goes like this:
Login -> Load game-> happily playing -> DCed/crash -> Re-Login -> Re-Load game -> Already logged -> close game -> Re-Re-Login -> Re-Re-Load Game -> Play /(Stuck on battleground -> Quit game -> Re-Re-Re Login -> Re-Re-Re Load Game -> Retry Battleground)

I used battleground as example, 'cause it happened to me. (And received a warning for being "IDLE"... seriously dude? ¬¬)
If you manage to rejoin party and the match is over, but the party still exists, you will get stuck... I couldn't manage to get out, without closing the game.

I sent the suggestion to move account login status verification to the launcher, intead of leaving for client to check after loading game.
But, it seems too damn hard, since programing is not an easy thing.

I was debating with some programers, and maybe it would be easier if inserted an Retry button on the "This account is already logged in" screen, intead of closing the game client.
My friends said that "Closing the game client is stupid". Well... thinking of that, its almost like the game doesn't want to be played, right?

Share your experiences and suggestions, Hopefully it will get to the staff =]

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I don't care if programming is hard, jeebus that's what they get paid for... 


Yes, the client closing with that message is rageeeeee inducing especially if you had to click an otp code each time and you're trying to get back into the dungeon you were in... 



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Well , this game is very strange . It suffers mostly noobs problems :

- battle mode duration (don't know why we still engaged when no mobs fighting )

- game close when lost connection ..... ..... not even a remaining time to catch game back .. ( nowaday online games don't kick you when lost connection that allows us to get back , hard to believe a game can't manage this in 2016  , winamax (poker game)----> connection lost = time remaining  to get connection back w/o kicked , hey !! it's only a cards game  wake up guys !!! ) .

- when lost connection why account still online when we get kicked from client ??

- When we die ... loading time is .... loooooong wtf we already loaded the area by entering/teleport why load it again ?


All these little things looks like their were made to up the playing time . Would be interesting to check how is the real time %  played and time off ( loading/engage mode/reconnections ..) / day .


They should fix these first before adding storyline or else .

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