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Which server for a new player?


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Hi guys, girls, all things in-between,


As the title suggests, which server is best for a new player?

Currently I am playing on the Poharan server, level 20 and it seems pretty quiet. Not only that but most of the guilds require you have a main that's 45+ or that you're level 50. Seems like theres no point playing on this server. (Correct me if I'm wrong) 

When I was first choosing a server, I was going to go with a new server, that way I'd meet some people, get a fun guild and well.. have fun. But so far I have met nobody, still have no guild, I don't see much socialization going what so ever. Maybe this will change when I get to a main city (If there is one) 


Anyway. I don't want to continue leveling at this point, until I know what I'm getting myself into, and if It's worth it. C'mon, where the fun people at?

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I am a crimson from Old Man Cho (OMC). The faction chat is often very chatty. It get M rated sometimes but it's all fun. We do help lowbie in dungeon whenever help is requested via Faction chat.

Majority of clans who advertising via Clan Recruitment do ask for 45+ to join, however, I have seen lowbie get added to clan when they asking/looking for clan via faction chat.

My clan actually added a couple of lv10-20 last week but we are full now though...


I can't say for the Cerulean clans on OMC since I am not a Ceru but I know some of the Crimson clans on OMC are "neighbor" meaning they invite each other for dungeons run. I guess it's like an alliances between a couple clans together.

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I went with the blue faction. When I go to the recruitment page (H) theres like, 5 guilds in the list, I'm used to there being pages of guilds that you can join (other games)

I'm thinking of making a new character and going with Crimson faction, maybe I'll find more/better factions, I'm hoping that I chose a good server, though. From what I read It's the second biggest server. Although, just because It's got a larger player base than other servers, doesn't make it an active one. That's the real question isn't it? "Is it active?"

Is there a city? Like, a main place where everyone goes to stand around and do nothing in? lol

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Not every clan wants high lvl players - have you looked in Clan Recruitment for your server, here in the Forums ?

Being Cerulean or Crimson does not necessarily mean a bigger player base, although on some servers there is a higher contingent of one or the other, since server mergers it has become a bit unbalanced (I play Eu WIndrest, so not sure about US servers)

There are several places within the game that players tend to gather - Jadestone Village is one that you can access at your level, and others you will find as you progress through the game and reach new areas (Zaiwei is the capital City in the game, but you won't reach that until lvl 45 if you follow the storyline missions) Since new end-game content was released, Jadestone has become a 'gateway' for higher lvl players to reach new dungeon areas, just try talking in 'local chat' and see if anyone responds. If all else fails - come to EU WIndrest and join us, we are not so particular about lvl or experience - we play for the fun :D



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14 hours ago, Dakaroth said:

Hi guys, girls, all things in-between,


As the title suggests, which server is best for a new player?

Currently I am playing on the Poharan server, level 20 and it seems pretty quiet. Not only that but most of the guilds require you have a main that's 45+ or that you're level 50. Seems like theres no point playing on this server. (Correct me if I'm wrong) 

When I was first choosing a server, I was going to go with a new server, that way I'd meet some people, get a fun guild and well.. have fun. But so far I have met nobody, still have no guild, I don't see much socialization going what so ever. Maybe this will change when I get to a main city (If there is one) 


Anyway. I don't want to continue leveling at this point, until I know what I'm getting myself into, and if It's worth it. C'mon, where the fun people at?



Just to save you making a Crimson alt.


I play a level 24 on Crimson, Poha/Iksanun and there are 3 guild recruiting currently. Brazilian (in Portugese I assume), Pinoy (in English, looking for HM1+) and one more asking for mains/active, no indication of level, in English.


I normally ask in regional chat whenever I want to kill a world-boss or do a green dungeon on a level, and nobody responds. I see some other folks though once in a while. I have not tried inviting the folks, because I play a Destroyer, so I think people would assume I am a bot.


I usually switch to my level 50, then ask again if anyone needs the dungeon for whatever upgrade. Cerulean is a bigger faction, people sometimes ask in a Faction chat to help with low-level bosses/greens, I usually respond in a whisper; normally at least one other person does as well, as I make sure that two level 50 don't line up for a Darkglimpse or something :)

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2 hours ago, cokaine said:

any guild that lets low level players join is usually not worth joining because there wont be many people there to help you with higher level contentent

Beg to differ - our clan ranges from lvl 15 (some of them alts for members) up to lvl50 HM9 (and all lvls in between). We are not so elitist to demand high lvls only, and we actively encourage helping lower lvls with harder game content, including dungeons (actually most of us enjoy doing ANYTHING with clannies in a party)

I do not believe we would be the only clan in the whole game that do this

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27 minutes ago, slinky650 said:

Beg to differ - our clan ranges from lvl 15 (some of them alts for members) up to lvl50 HM9 (and all lvls in between). We are not so elitist to demand high lvls only, and we actively encourage helping lower lvls with harder game content, including dungeons (actually most of us enjoy doing ANYTHING with clannies in a party)

I do not believe we would be the only clan in the whole game that do this

Let me guess... you are not on Poharan/Iksanun. Actually, most likely you are in EU.


We've just celebrated an awesome milestone! The first clan to publically recruit 600+ only.

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5 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

Let me guess... you are not on Poharan/Iksanun. Actually, most likely you are in EU.

I already said I was - but still, why would that matter? Are you saying that US servers are full of elitist clans who care only about themselves and only EU servers have helpful people - don't think so

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2 hours ago, cokaine said:

any guild that lets low level players join is usually not worth joining because there wont be many people there to help you with higher level contentent

That is not true. Mine and other clans in Crimson on OMC that I know do help lowbie to do their maps (in clan and outside of clan). You just need to find the right clan and the right server.


On another note, there are clans who mostly PvP. Mine in specific is PvE (like 90% of us); however, we do OWPvP when our lowbies get sniped by opposite faction.

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9 minutes ago, slinky650 said:

I already said I was - but still, why would that matter? Are you saying that US servers are full of elitist clans who care only about themselves and only EU servers have helpful people - don't think so

Sorry, it's a personal thing. Whenever I read an advertisement from a guild that sounds nice, or a person posts about helping out, it's never from my server and usually in EU. TBH, I don't even see the old Iksanun guilds any more, just the new Poharan ones.


My guild leader doesn't advertise, but he recruits the lower levels, and I definitely come and help when asked in the faction chat, and actually say in regional when I am going to run a green dungeon, but, eh... I don't really feel the community spirit.

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6 hours ago, cokaine said:

any guild that lets low level players join is usually not worth joining because there wont be many people there to help you with higher level contentent

Clan loyalty is built from level 1 up.  Because of the way the Achievement system is set up in BnS MOST high levels are more than happy to run low level stuff to help out clannies.  A Clan needs new blood to survive and usually that means recruiting NEW players to the game.  Starting a guild and then recruiting 600+ or 500+ is pretty much a recipe for disaster as players don't have that loyalty to the clan that you get from being a newbie.


Old Timers Guild has been playing on Mushin since the first CB and to this day we still help newbies out.  We don't care what level a player is because a newbie is only a few days away from being a level 50 HM ++.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies.

I'm deciding to change to a new server. And yes, I had already reached Jadestone Village, and honestly, there were not many people there. And I went the at different times of the day just to make sure. Now just to decide which one..


Guild recruitment? I have checked the one on the forums, and in-game. As I said with the in-game one (3-4 guilds recruiting) as for the forums, all wanting high levels or high level mains. I didnt post on there threads though and ask. (which I should have tried doing)




Would you like some grass? It's freshly picked!

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On 08/17/2016 at 1:41 AM, DomiSotto said:

Sorry, it's a personal thing.

If you are so sad with your server how about considering creating a new char on another server? You can also helps others and build the community spirit while you gear up the new char. Seems like a win win solution compared to sticking with a server where you dont feel the community. Hm level is nothing compared to the fun of gearing up with a group of people.


Better yet if you create on the server Dakaroth is in now, isnt it?

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