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My humble suggestion


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Quick background check im a total free to play player. I've been playing for about 2 1/2 months now and i'm 590 ap with crappy asura soul sheilds

i have a level 2 pet in a great guild. 


Ok so i have no problems with how the game, i love it and its doable. I terror farm ssp every night starting 2 weeks ago and make at least 50g from it my max was 252g a combination of keys and moonstones. The events where really helpful in upgrading, and i'm sure all can agree as to nobody is complaining. It wasn't always this easy from 500-549 was the sickest, most terrible, absolutely annoying time in the game. I couldn't enter dungeons that i needed to run which was yeti upward. And the lower dungeons i didn't need them. 


So it got me thinking where getting a dps meter soon right? so we could see how much dos everybody does, who's lacking, etc. What would happen if BnS set up dungeon minimum ap requirement for dungeons (only 6man though). So for example lair minimum you need is 490 and you can only LFP u get a party of 6 with nice mixtures of 600s maybe some 540s but all in all if everybody have 490 you should be able to do it.

* remember when it first came out people where trying 4man with 510 ap lol


I believe this is a good way ti help the transitioning players. and the only parties you would make and see is the 4man dungeons. 

What do u guys think? would you like this as a newer player what about an older player? is it really that helpful in getting into dungeons? 

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There is already a recommended dungeon distribution for you in your character profile and people can make their own party with the minimal AP posted. Restricting LFP that is already something 'for the rest of us, plebs' will achieve nothing.


It will be MUCH better if all dungeons starting with Yeti get a Story Mode versions with relaxed mechanics, less HPs etc which will help people get at least the soul shields and reduced rewards (better yet to scale up rewards in the current 6 M versions) and allow for the easier, casual, social runs at lower APs and skill levels.


Right now most of the dungeons on level 50 are way too hard and too long for the # of them that has to be done on a daily basis to be enjoyable, and the AP that make them easier is what drives the AP requirements.


People can wax poetic about the skill and whine about how everyone else is a noob and a moron, but the truth is that most of the people are just that, people, and so poses a garbage to average skill level. We are also entertained when the challenge is surmountable when we come home from work, tired and stuff. If it is too challenging or impossible, it sucks. Most of the players can handle tank and spank with a little bit of 'do not stand in stupid'. BnS in the later dungeons went too far beyond that.


Story Modes and gearing should not be hard to the point of causing endless conflicts and promoting the horrendous behavior.


An all-party-wipe complex mechanics do NOT belong in the Story Mode save for the Enrage Timer (that should be fairly generous). In the story-mode it should do damage, but keep everyone alive if a mistake on a complex mechanics was made.


This game can use a fair influx of casual population, relax and stop taking itself so seriously. Imo we need more fun, social and casual venues, not more hard-core and stressful.

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