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Future Content Questions


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Can someone from another server group plz tell me about the Storm legendary weapon? I have read it is for pvp but also heard that is either a drop or from cash shop only. I understand the need for them to make money on the game but plz someone tell me that the items are also attainable through hard work (in game). Also, I read that oblivion accessories, or legendary perhaps, have a fail rate? Is this also true? Finally, the stones of wisdom needed for oblivion accessories are a drop (rare i have heard). I know they are not sealed it seems (untradeable), but I was wondering how often they drop and what they typically bid out for on TW/KR servers. Thanks!

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They bypassed it and went with the HM route it was suppose to be in lab and nexus but its not in the game... I wouldn't be to surprised though if their income goes does and it comes in a trove event.

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