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Blade and Soul as SaO


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ok this been in my mind for weeks now, since i just watched an sao special.

but first choose a # 1-9

Imagine this


Blade and soul is widely popular and can now use VR headsets (just like sao). But some *cricket* did the same thing that happened in sao and now everybody is trapped in game. To make it more interesting it doesn't matter if you where playing at the time or not you are now trapped, AND if you quit your still trapped. (blame it on them having access yo your brain and found a way to transfer your consciences to the system while in game). 


Now that you know all player active and inactive, online and not online are trapped. for simplicities sake its by region so NA EU KR TW whatever and no sever like mushin and poh.

Moving on the goal is to clear the current content (for all regions max content is masts and gloom (just go with it)). Now to clear current content you need to do all dungeons in all modes. this includes 24 man, 4mans, 6mans, green and blue dungeons.  now heres the catch lets say in terms of speed KR clears it first, then TW, NA, EU respectively. all players in EU will die, thats right last region to clear all players will die. 


In terms of dying hearts can still be used in dungeons and sf and summoner can still res in dungeon and open world. Now thats op so lets make some rules you cant res by (F) so if u die your dead. And if you die and a sf and summoner tries to res u it need to be within 30 sec or you DIE, also they can only res u if your in a party. You must accept party invite before death and can accept will near death. 


In terms of characters ALL players start from level 1. No gold buying no 25 ap gem at level 5 (guilty) , fresh start boys and girls. You character will also be yourself like in SAO. And to keep the horny people at bay the % of females to males is 51% to 49%. lastly, you are not able to choose your class, its random yup complete rng. 


This is how it will go down remember the # you choose 1-9 -> BM (2) BD (1) SF (3) DES (4) FM (5)  Sin (6) SUM (7) KFM (8) WL (9) 

what class did u get? Did you play it before as a main? if so your lucky because you will retain your memories of fighting as the class you picked. 


Next is Faction and PVP, quiet simply you lose in pvp if you hit 1 hp in arena, same thing for 3s and valley. but faction you die unless your in a party and stuff. 


As to gathering materials for upgrades yes its all the same yes including the ssp cancer and Yes the rewards from 4man and 6man are the same. gathering and crafting will be just as hard. the market place will be just as active if not more active. 


Now heres where it gets really interesting GUILDS, in real life and sao the strong control territories and so it will be the same in BNS (sao version). A guild if strong enough can occupy a town/village (when i say this i mean any area with a vault guy) and get money. For example lets say my guild (Audacity) controls GHS  they can set up a fee at whatever price they want. so 1g (*which will be crazy to get i predict) because of the quests in ghs. this will allow the guild to get all the money from entry. so lets say 1000 people enter GHS in a day thats 1k in the guild. And its spilt however the leader wants it (between member, recruit, officer , etc) this will allow to evil to grow (FOR FUN!!!!)  in order to get the zone its a guild fight just start up pvp in open world.  

Oh and you don't remember your old guild and theres no chat system just rumors and boards that post news and people who clear the dungeons first.


and thats it the BNS we all will live in.


So how far do u think you will make it?

which region will die?

what was your class?

what would you do to survive? 


your allowed to be innovative. 

what will you do?

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