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High lvls in Blackram Narrows, it's getting ridiculous.

Maer Alveron

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Yeah I know, another topic ranting about this.

When I was leveling my warlock I never had an issue with high levels, specially in Blackram Narrows: It was pretty rare to find them doing this dungeon. Since this monday when I started to level up my Destro I found a legion of lvls 50, some of them HM 11.

This assholes not only rush before lowbies manage to enter the dungeon, they also leave the mobs so when they try to catch up they get attacked and some of them die. And if that didn't kill them the fire does. 

This is getting out of proportion and if I were a new player I would get highly disappointed by this.

- Yes lowbies can catch up with you if you wait for them to enter the dungeon.

- You are a lvl 50, it will take you less than a *cricket*ing second to hit a mob so they don't swarm the lowbies and kill them. 

- Again, you are a lvl 50. Your sprinting time, jumps and skills related to sprinting are better than the lowbies, don't be a tool.

- Would it be too much to ask for you to avoid attacking the boss and killing us with the fire wall? 


Seriously, if you're a rush just solo the stupid dungeon instead of killing lowbies who need to run it.

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Agreed, +1 to this potst. When attempting to level my Blade Master tonight past Blackram Narrows through the LFP, I got put in a full party (except me) of HM8+; majority ran ahead, skipped tons of mobs (and had the gall to ask me if I was coming while the mobs jumped me), then killed boss while I was down and so didn't get credit for even a dungeon completion. I agree with you:


If you lot of end-gamers are in such an all-fire big hurry, solo it! It's a daily challenge to you, but a roadblock to us.

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Joined one on my 49 SF with 3 level 20's (give or take a couple levels) and 4 50's.  The 50's quit before the first boss.  :p  I finished the dungeon with just me and the three 20ish.  Not all of us are bad.

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22 minutes ago, Hanadeus said:

ppl so arrogant some time they should just do solo why bother entering cross dungeons btw report them they will get ban for a week i think

not sure thou

it's not against the rules and it's not consider griefing, to rush through a dungeon. and Today Blackram narrows is part of the daily challenge 

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I think in group today was 4 lvl 50's (including me) and one lvl 20SF. Just before the first boss I ask everyone wait.

One of them ask why and I explain the lvl 20 might need items. So we all kill the mobs and waited for him. It wasn't that much faster having us kill the mobs since they die in one hit.

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Elitism and arrogance in it's finest.


P.S. Anyway, not all high levels are this way. Yesterday, i grouped with 2 high levels (hm 9 and 11) for Narrows and we gladly wait each other on every boss =) But it's so rare to happen...

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welcome in the Blackflame Grillows, where survives only the fastest(who kill bosses immediately when they reach them) and the slowest(who didn't even reach flames). And if you ask them to slow down, and the response is like 'i don't wanna waste my life coz of you slowfackingpokes kurwa'. then it is time to block&leave.

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5 minutes ago, JoannaRamira said:

... when high HM and lvls are inversely proportional to amount of brain and empathy.


i need to take my supplement more now...since im HM9 now.

Add a legendary weapon and it'll be close to 0 kelvin...


P.S.: congratz for HM 9 :)

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They seriously should remove blackram narrows from the daily. Add back efleet and nightshade harbor to the daily. And then add the costume drops that I think were supposed to be in these 24mans or at least they make sense to be (red poh hair, maybe red pirate princess, and the white studded blindfold and mask) so people actually show up to farm them. Cause I think people actually liked these 24mans compared to the new ones. 

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Heres what I dont understand, 50's can easily solo lv 45 blue dungeons, and even Tomb of Exiles, yet, they require a grp for Blackram Narrows? 


Running BN solo with a lvl 50 toon is FASTER than grouping for it. So why?


Anyways its beyond ridiculous now. It used to be 50s would atleast take the time to one shot every mob infront of them just to be courteous, and a few do now still. However for the most part its 5 HM 8+ 50s running through, and the one appropriate level toon 20 be damned. Then when the "lowbie" 20 with 1900HP gets wrecked by 10 ranged stunning mobs, it "stoopid newb, L2P!"


Great first impression for a new player experiencing their first crucial dungeon NCsoft.


Then people wonder why there are few to none new players, less whom actually stick around.


Worst community since DOTA.

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57 minutes ago, Arcayne said:

Heres what I dont understand, 50's can easily solo lv 45 blue dungeons, and even Tomb of Exiles, yet, they require a grp for Blackram Narrows? 


Running BN solo with a lvl 50 toon is FASTER than grouping for it. So why?


Anyways its beyond ridiculous now. It used to be 50s would atleast take the time to one shot every mob infront of them just to be courteous, and a few do now still. However for the most part its 5 HM 8+ 50s running through, and the one appropriate level toon 20 be damned. Then when the "lowbie" 20 with 1900HP gets wrecked by 10 ranged stunning mobs, it "stoopid newb, L2P!"


Great first impression for a new player experiencing their first crucial dungeon NCsoft.


Then people wonder why there are few to none new players, less whom actually stick around.


Worst community since DOTA.

Idk how others, but im running Narrows through xserver simply because its faster than


1. loadingscreen when leaving lobby

2. windstride animation

3. loading screen after windstride

4. run to the enterance

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I do exactly what you say in the post. I tell everyone at the beginning of the dungeon to kill the mobs if there is a lowbie in the dungeon (and I class anyone under level 45 a lowbie on Blackram Narrows since if you are swarmed with mobs you're pretty much dead)

People just need to take care of other players, simple as that.

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8 hours ago, 876605_1452550437 said:

You have to be realllly slow to still be at blackram narrows strugglin. Takes about an hour to 2 hours to be lvl 25-30ish with this xp event. 

Your comment not only has nothing to do with the main topic, but you forget that some of us have other characters AND in some cases we cannot even sit two hours in a row to play.


Going back to the main topic I'm glad to see I'm not the only one having an issue with this and it's true that I've met some 50's who are kind and even scold the rushing players, but they're rare.

I just wished ncsoft removed this dungeon form the dailies or just put a mentor system in the game.  High lvls not giving a damn about lowbies and swarming their dungeons used to be an issue in another game, and what they did was to put the mentor system. At the end of the dungeon the lowbies had to open a scroll to grant the high lvl the mentor points, and if they failed to do their jobs they simply gave them nothing. 

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11 hours ago, Maer Alveron said:

Seriously, if you're a rush just solo the stupid dungeon instead of killing lowbies who need to run it.

Take a note from FF14 ARR, level-sync the dungeons, so any sub 50 dungeon should automatically level-syn the higher level players to dungeon-level + 3 in term of char/gear stats.

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4 minutes ago, AttacKat said:

Take a note from FF14 ARR, level-sync the dungeons, so any sub 50 dungeon should automatically level-syn the higher level players to dungeon-level + 3 in term of char/gear stats.

Or they can take a page from one of their own games, GW2. Wherein entire regions level sync players. 


Then again thats an ArenaNet developed game, not NCSoft. Plus that would require effort and trained coders which would require time and money. Otherwise known as an investment in your own game outside of simply trying to make an easy profit.

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Only reason a lvl 50 would be in narrows is if it's part of the dailies. Also if you're already in F8 (dungeons/battleground) doing the other dailies no one wants to leave then go solo the dungeon. You can also make a pt with people your level but if not you get what you get with solo apply.


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What I do as a lvl 50 is kill everything along the way, since I just one-shot them. Dunno why some people choose to just run past everything and kill everyone with fire. All you're doing is probably saving yourself a few seconds for the run which isn't even a lot. AND if they choose to run by everything why not just solo it? Not that hard to leave party and then run the dungeon alone.

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I'm gonna say the same thing as what I've mentioned to the other thread ranting for Tomb of Exiles.


1. Shout for party.

2. Kick high levels.

3. Run with your fellow lowbies.


If case you're unaware, the region shout and LFP messages are there to allow you to create your own party instead of having the system assigning one to you with a LFP button. If you're just being lazy then don't bother to rant. It's time to learn how to form your own party instead of queuing for one. The LFP button is so dangerous that you could end up with botters and afkers in your party, so please learn how to do it on your own.

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21 minutes ago, katashi90 said:

I'm gonna say the same thing as what I've mentioned to the other thread ranting for Tomb of Exiles.


1. Shout for party.

2. Kick high levels.

3. Run with your fellow lowbies.


If case you're unaware, the region shout and LFP messages are there to allow you to create your own party instead of having the system assigning one to you with a LFP button. If you're just being lazy then don't bother to rant. It's time to learn how to form your own party instead of queuing for one. The LFP button is so dangerous that you could end up with botters and afkers in your party, so please learn how to do it on your own.

I'd pick apart your off topic seemingly done despite not reading the Op post, but instead I'll simply ask this:


So, why dont 50's do the same thing your suggesting?


When you can answer that, you'll finally be caught up with the true purpose of his post.


Or, are you simply stating that lowbies have no right to use Cross faction queue along with the allmighty 50's?


Which of course would lead us to once again, not the point of the OPs post. 


You starting to catch on yet?



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17 minutes ago, Arcayne said:

I'd pick apart your off topic seemingly done despite not reading the Op post, but instead I'll simply ask this:


So, why dont 50's do the same thing your suggesting?


When you can answer that, you'll finally be caught up with the true purpose of his post.


Or, are you simply stating that lowbies have no right to use Cross faction queue along with the allmighty 50's?


Which of course would lead us to once again, not the point of the OPs post. 


You starting to catch on yet?



You can make your own party in cross server...you don't have to auto queue it.

If you have a problem with running with certain people the burden is on you to customize your party accordingly. 50's don't GAF who they run with, they could solo the thing if they needed to in the same amount of time.

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