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Is this what merge brought us? MORE DC and ERRORS? Explain this? Trying to log in 6x times and getting this shitty message? 
https://postimg.org/image/x8pi2lpep/ So now when servers are merged you make people to donate and get premium membership so they have advantage on other people who don't donate, and we can't log in getting errors and stuff, really nice NCSOFT you just making this game worst and worst noting new, noting good, if you continue doing this stuff people will simple leave game and this stupid server. SO FIX THIS SHIT BEFORE YOU LOST ALL OF YOUR PLAYERS.

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5 minutes ago, Daree said:

Is this what merge brought us? MORE DC and ERRORS? Explain this? Trying to log in 6x times and getting this shitty message? 
https://postimg.org/image/x8pi2lpep/ So now when servers are merged you make people to donate and get premium membership so they have advantage on other people who don't donate, and we can't log in getting errors and stuff, really nice NCSOFT you just making this game worst and worst noting new, noting good, if you continue doing this stuff people will simple leave game and this stupid server. SO FIX THIS SHIT BEFORE YOU LOST ALL OF YOUR PLAYERS.

actually this doesnt have to do.im premium also and i have the same message you get after changing chars.

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1 minute ago, TuNaTa said:

Game and relax.

If can't actually play because they still work, i'm smoke and relax.

In while can see and have fun anyway from all this forums RAGE.

hahah ;D im having fun scrooling Forum , Smoke/Vaping  aswell ^^

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11 minutes ago, Meoww said:

You do realize that the server maintenance is not over yet, yes?

If it's not over why they left people log in? explain? thanks

7 minutes ago, kpetros said:

10+ years of experiance company . yea xD

That doesn't mean they are good, 10 years of experience and still making stupid mistakes, please spare me!

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6 minutes ago, Rikkuonly said:

hahah ;D im having fun scrooling Forum , Smoke/Vaping  aswell ^^

Hahahahahaha someone have fun some 1 raged, true i don't want to waste my time here i will wait for this thing to get fixed, but check this out, ''doing maintenance'' get thing done, why they didn't test before they let us log in, no point, better to finish and test everything and let ppl in instead of doing this kind of thing, now they shut down again server. good job for them!

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7 minutes ago, Daree said:

If it's not over why they left people log in? explain? thanks

That doesn't mean they are good, 10 years of experience and still making stupid mistakes, please spare me!

Well , thats the pathetic part ....


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9 minutes ago, Daree said:

If it's not over why they left people log in? explain? thanks

That doesn't mean they are good, 10 years of experience and still making stupid mistakes, please spare me!

Since you don't seem to remotely understand the architecture of such a complex service I will give a short incomplete answer, I'm not in the mood to explain game architecture.

In the proccess of finishing the maintenance there is the step of turning the login queue back on but thats just 1 part of a long chain. If another part of the chain fails, an error occurs.

And that's most likely what happened.

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1 minute ago, remedym said:

Shut your piehole, NCSoft made history in the MMO Industry they were there at the start, so a little bit of respect. And they publish great games.

Ow really ? Then why they su ck so much ? 

After EVERY maintance things are worse than before 

High ping everwhere

Failed to merge , if you consider that as a merge 

Killing a game 

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9 hours ago, kpetros said:

Ow really ? Then why they su ck so much ? 

After EVERY maintance things are worse than before 

High ping everwhere

Failed to merge , if you consider that as a merge 

Killing a game 

Might have to do something with the game itself rather then ncsoft though. I mean, I am not sure what kind of beast machines do koreans have that can play this game with all its issues/memory leaks and optimized for NASA super computers, but certainly a lot of European computers can't run it only on potato settings properly. And with this merge they screwed up even that potato setting.

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+More DCs

+More Lags

+More FPS issues

+More screen freeze in SSP



-Less upgrading resources

-Less material nodes


See? More Pros than Cons!!!

And don't forget NCsoft's slogan


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10 minutes ago, Volinus said:


+More DCs

+More Lags

+More FPS issues

+More screen freeze in SSP



-Less upgrading resources

-Less material nodes


See? More Pros than Cons!!!

And don't forget NCsoft's slogan


Excellent! GO go NCSOFT MAKE GAME BETTER! I Think they should merge all groups in 1, so we got extra more Pros!

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