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4 hours ago, MasterBlaster said:

You're close to 700 ap dude, thats Godlike. Many players wish they were at 600ap but you already far surpassed that.

This. I JUST got done putting my gears at a point where MTS are no longer necessary, went to 533 AP with the peridot via exchange tickets. I feel it's a quite good value to reach and I feel like I should get past the 550-600 mark to have a better shot at 4-man without needing to be carried... which I'll do more slowly since STS are more pricey in many ways... and yet you don't seem me whining about it. Much.


... and then I see higher AP people still whining about gear progression? Cut me some slack. This kind of BS behaviour is one reason I don't like to rush my progression. Doubt lack of RNG would make them whine less.

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You guys are getting angry cause I am further than you, It's ok to be at different stages of the game. It is a heavy grind, I admit that. All I said was I wanted better access to gems. Stop looking at the argument in the wrong manner. When you get to my point, you will see what I am talking about..

It's ok to have an opinion just stay on point.


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Gems? 700 ap? I have 527 on my fm there isn't any content I have not or cannot do. but if you want your shiny things that's cool. want bad RNG?   231 kills on Junghado in Mushins and still no HAT. all I want is my damn hat for my FM. that's my Gem hunt!


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See man, the RNG on this game so bad. Some people get stuff in 3-5 rolls/tries. Most within 10-20. And some like have NO luck at all. I am currently 2/21 on PSTS. I think I will buy them from now on.

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7 minutes ago, Kixtar said:

All I said was I wanted better access to gems.

Dream on. These gems are considered 'endgame content'. Padding out their accessibility via RNG and whatnot is to be expected. It will stay that way for a good while from the looks of it.

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Endgame is farmable. P2W is not. This was supposed to be pay to progress faster, is all I am saying. RNG prevents hardcore grinders from attaining the same level of competitiveness as those that pay. It is a huge deterrent for hard grinders.

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Just now, Kixtar said:

Endgame is farmable. P2W is not. This was supposed to be pay to progress faster, is all I am saying. RNG prevents hardcore grinders from attaining the same level of competitiveness as those that pay. It is a huge deterrent for hard grinders.

That's the idea. Pay to skip the grind. Well within what's expected from games like this.

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warrior wallet: spend morey, purchase stuff with nccoincs and test his RNG.


grinders: farm all day long content, make gold, sell gold for hmcoins, purchase stuff with hmcoins and test his RNG.



assuming that RNG % are equals for warriors and grinders, what is the difference?

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14 minutes ago, Shukran said:

warrior wallet: spend morey, purchase stuff with nccoincs and test his RNG.


grinders: farm all day long content, make gold, sell gold for hmcoins, purchase stuff with hmcoins and test his RNG.



assuming that RNG % are equals for warriors and grinders, what is the difference?

You can buy 10 a day with HM coins so yeah there's the difference


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9 minutes ago, Sikanda said:

You can buy 10 a day with HM coins so yeah there's the difference


so what? it is not "purchase 11 chest to gain a gem" it is RNG. u can purchase 1 and pobtain gem as u can purchase 300 and obtain none.

9 minutes ago, Sikanda said:


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1 hour ago, Shukran said:

so what? it is not "purchase 11 chest to gain a gem" it is RNG. u can purchase 1 and pobtain gem as u can purchase 300 and obtain none.

Buying 300 yields higher chances of obtaining that item, however you put it. Do not consider 1shot people that actually get it, it's like winning the lottery ; yes there is a small chance and people do win it, but considerinog how many play that's just normal, hence why the forums are not flooded with happy people getting them , but with people complaining.(The guy who poster winning both gems in 1 pouch) Kappa

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30 minutes ago, Sikanda said:

Buying 300 yields higher chances of obtaining that item, however you put it. Do not consider 1shot people that actually get it, it's like winning the lottery ; yes there is a small chance and people do win it, but considerinog how many play that's just normal, hence why the forums are not flooded with happy people getting them , but with people complaining.(The guy who poster winning both gems in 1 pouch) Kappa

go look some thread in which someone purchased 300+ chest and found shit..then ask my guildmate who opened 20ish with hmcoins and gold, so f2p and god stiload of items.


RNG, u should start to understand probability and statistic.

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10 minutes ago, Shukran said:

go look some thread in which someone purchased 300+ chest and found shit..then ask my guildmate who opened 20ish with hmcoins and gold, so f2p and god stiload of items.


RNG, u should start to understand probability and statistic.

So basically you just confirmed that the game is RNG based, which was already known; cause you know 1 sample per side = statistics?

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3 minutes ago, Sikanda said:

So basically you just confirmed that the game is RNG based, which was already known; cause you know 1 sample per side = statistics?

what did i just make escuse me? i mean, ...no i cannot comprehend your post. 

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